Quantitative market research is performed for the purpose to investigate and reflect the objective and measurable characteristics of consumer’s behavior, in particular, the consumer’s response to different marketing campaigns.
Quantitative research means the market research focused on collection of quantitative information in form of big data set; it is performed to measure behavioral characteristics of consumer’s target audience, to test the hypotheses developed basing on qualitative research, to develop marketing strategy, to examine response to the promotion and advertising campaigns, other marketing events, attitude to the important economic, political and social changes in the country.
The tasks resolved basing on quantitative research:
- Assessment of potential and actual market volume;
- Assessment of market shares of main competitors (learn more about Competitor Analysis);
- Assessment of product or service sales level;
- Identification of main consumer segments;
- Development of consumer’s profile basing on social, demographic, and psychological characteristics;
- Examination of consumer’s attitude to the product; brand and product recognition;
- Identification of customer’s readiness to purchase the product, prospects and trends for product presence on the market;
- Determination of the best price for product or service;
- Selection of the best packing for different consumer segments;
- Planning of the repeated purchase by consumers who tried the new product or service;
- Assessment of compliance of the current product with market requirements and identification of possible directions of changes in product specifications;
- Identification of the free niches and assessment of prospects to occupy them;
- Assessment of efficiency of advertising campaign and other communication channels.
The methods of quantitative research:
- Phone surveys (CATI);
- Surveys at the street / face-to-face interviews (F2F surveys);
- Interview at the places of purchase;
- Workplace survey;
- Written questionnaires;
- Postal survey;
- Experiment;
- Phone interviewing of the legal entities;
- On-line survey;
- Retail audit.
Data quality control measures:
- Pilot studies;
- Briefing for interviewers with modeling the real situation;
- 10% quality control of the interviews performed;
- Interview process control by a supervisor;
- Monitoring by a supervisor of compliance with route instructions;
- Re-filling the questionnaire block during the monitoring interview.
Data presentation format: Power Point, Excel, Word
Learn more about marketing research
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