Focus groups as a marketing research instrument

Do you want to know what people really think about your product? Then our focus group service will help you. It will be a lively, emotional, frank conversation with real or potential consumers of your company's products and services. The information obtained from such communication will give you a deep understanding of the motives that guide the buyer when choosing a particular manufacturer and how your offer meets his needs. This understanding will allow you to develop the most effective strategy for further improvement of your business.

What is a focus group?

This is a number of strangers, typical consumers, who gather and communicate on a topic of interest to the researcher. The discussion can be accompanied by a demonstration, testing or tasting of a specific product, followed by obtaining evaluative information on the whole spectrum of human perception.

Information of such completeness as from focus group cannot be obtained by means of other research methods, except for an expensive in-depth interviews. The effect of completeness is provided by close feedback of respondents with the researcher in the absence of time deficit.

Sometimes a person does not even understand why he prefers a product while having a choice. The focus group allows you to identify these hidden motives and this happens in the process of open communication with other consumers. In a small group we model the phenomenon of individuals interaction in society, when everyone's opinion is formed under the influence of other people's opinions.

By ordering a focus group from us, you will receive:

Large feedback on your products / brand:

  • collecting opinions about the researched product, idea or an advertisement
  • various options for the use of products
  • product / packaging testing

Qualitative marketing research

  • hypotheses for quantitative research
  • clarification of the data obtained during the quantitative research
  • the ability to identify various unexpected aspects in the topic under discussion that are difficult to reveal using quantitative methods

Each manufacturer tries to meet the demands of as wide a range of consumers as possible, but each product or service has its own target audience. It may differ in the number of people, the ratio of sexes, age groups, income and other parameters. To study the consumer properties of each product a focus group is selected that corresponds to its target audience. This allows you to get the most relevant information on a range of issues.

Optimal number of respondents in one focus group: 6-8

Optimal time for conducting one focus group research session, min: 90-120

Optimal representative number of focus groups:3-4

Our focus group research is carried out in the premises specially equipped with means of fixing and monitoring. Thanks to this, you will always be able to get not only a report on the work done but also the initial data. You also have the opportunity to monitor the progress of the research online.

Scenarios for focus group interviews are developed by our analysts in cooperation with the customer. Highly qualified moderators skillfully support the conversation according to the script and ensure the flow of information in the focus of the research problem.

Focus group research plan:

  1. Goal setting
  2. Guide development (scenario/script) of conducting focus group research and its coordination with the client
  3. Recruitment of respondents according to the customer's request
  4. Conducting research when the client observes online
  5. Preparation of an analytical report, video recording and transcript of the research

If you do not have the opportunity to be physically present on the territory of the focus group research, you can use this service online – video broadcast in real time. The focus group is conducted on exactly the same principle and you will receive access to online video viewing of the research. You will also be able to monitor the progress of the research and send tips to the moderator.

In addition, you can use the service of renting a room for focus group research and conduct this research on its own. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account the high requirements for the professional level of moderators and the complexity of the analysis of the information obtained.

To order market analysis or another services, or to purchase a published project, please contact us via or +38 (044) 233-34-32, +38 (063) 044-24-02

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