Strategic Consulting

Marketing Strategy is a document structuring your goals and objectives for the next year or several years, as well as the key methods to achieve these goals. It may include activities with existing corporate assets (products, services, advertising materials, sales and distribution channels), launching of new products on the market, entering the new sales and promotion segments, and optimization of the corporate activities.

It is a plan for development based on external options and internal corporate potential, synchronization of corporate resources required to achieve the certain objectives (eg., sales volume, market share, number of customers).

Marketing strategy is based on market analysis, consumer studies, marketing audit of competitors, their product range and advertising, analysis of internal corporate resources (АВС and XYZ analysis, other techniques).

Basing on the studies performed, corporate development strategy on the market is formed. It determines main focus of the company as a framework to develop full-fledge marketing strategy which includes:

  • Actual status of the company and market;
  • Goals and objectives for the next period;
  • Formation of company’s target audience for the period of strategy;
  • Development strategy for the product, sales channels, advertising and promotion channels, pricing strategy;
  • List of main tools and tactic steps to achieve main and intermediary strategic goals;
  • Checkpoints and possible adjustments in the strategy.

Working Techniques for Marketing Strategy Development and Strategic Consulting

One expert of our team with working experience of at least 5 years is assigned to each of our customers. Our expert conducts strategic sessions with the customer, analyses data and creates intellectual product as a head of working unit, basing on the results of studies and brainstorms.

Pro-Consulting proposes services to ensure strategic marketing functions in the company:

1.1. Integral Strategic Complex Development:

  • General marketing strategy, including brand model
  • Innovation strategy
  • Product strategy
  • Pricing strategy
  • Promotion strategy
  • Communication strategy.

Each strategy type is an individual project stage with a fixed deadline and agreed format for presentation of the results.

1.2. Marketing Strategy Implementation

Pro-Consulting assists its customers to achieve high involvement of employees in new strategy implementation, to create working units, to measure parameters and to adjust plans taking in consideration the new reality.

Our expert with the certain number of his/her working hours is assigned to you for the purpose to ensure tactic activities within the framework of company’s operation.

1.3. Follow-up for Marketing Strategy Implementation

In case of strategy follow-up the key executives are your employees with regular involvement of Pro-Consulting experts in customer’s strategic sessions. Regularity of joint strategic sessions is to be agreed with you in advance depending on the product complexity and company size.

Marketing Strategy Development Stages

  1. Working Session
  2. a) Market environment analysis and determination of the goals

Project unit (the customer and Pro-Consulting experts) discuss actual situation on the market, competitors, goals and objectives, deadlines to achieve them, assets which may be used for that (financial/HR/etc.). We clarify all limitations in work and form the hypotheses.

  1. b) Product analysis

Discussion of product (goods, services) deeply in details: competitors’ advantages or differences, maximum clarification of the company’s strengths and weaknesses.

  1. c) Customers

Our target audiences are determined, their motivation and contact points are examined.

As a result of working session, general project vision is created, working techniques are selected, detailed briefing is worked out, including goals and objectives, deadlines, resources, format of the submitted result and budget.

Word document, up to 10 pages
Period – 2 days

  1. Express Aduit and Concept for Development on the Market

At this stage the vision of market is formed, the trends are studied, researches are conducted, hypotheses are checked with deep immersion in internal analytics. As a result, up to 10 possible concepts for development on the market are proposed. The concepts may cover new products, sales and promotion channels, other elements of the company’s operation. Brainstorm with participation of the customer results in selection of 2-3 concepts which are the most promising and efficient, and only one of them should be selected at the next stage in order to develop the strategy.

Brand concept or model means its role on the market for all other players.

Structure of the document “Concepts”

  • Market: volume, structure; determination of own position on the market;
    • Main conclusions concerning competitors;
    • Segmentation of audience, profiles of actual customers and “future customers”;
    • Market trends in Ukraine and abroad;
    • Unique commercial advantages of the products;
    • Brand values and positioning;
    • Concepts for choice (including insights, attributes, benefits and brand essence).

Format – PowerPoint document.
Period – 2-4 weeks

  1. Strategy

Strategy is based on the selected concept (brand model); strategy structure includes:

  • Actual position and company’s place on the market: product range/sales/marketing;
    • Positions of main competitors: companies, brands, their marketing and communication activities;
    • Target audience: target audience segmentation for the brand;
    • Product range and pricing policy;
  • Strategy goals and objectives;
    • Sales model;
    • Directions for possible development: new markets/new needs/new positioning;
  • Strategy for development of existing and new products, prices for them, sales and promotion channels;
    • Work schedule for 1 year;
    • Required resources, budget;
    • Forecasted development;
    • The system to evaluate efficiency;
    • Alternative scenarios in case of changes in market conditions.

Format – PowerPoint document
Period – 4-6 weeks

To order market analysis or another services, or to purchase a published project, please contact us via or +38 (044) 233-34-32, +38 (063) 044-24-02

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