Market Passport


Market passport is an analytical review of market direction. It contains statistical data and short analytical description.

The structure of market passport:
1. Basic market options
Calculation of the market size in volume and value terms.
2. Production
Production volumes in physical and monetary terms.
3. External trade
The dynamics of import, geographical structure.
The dynamics of export, geographical structure.
4. Consumption
Structure and segmentation of consumption
5. Price situation at the market
6. The main market operators
7. Conclusions and projected performance of the market
Trends at the market. Forecast for the next three years. Industry risks

The passport includes the calculation of the market balance, the production analysis, export, import, consumption, range of products for the major market operators, market trends and forecasts. The information is structured by trends, segments and geographical units. This analytical product allows conducting a deeper market analysis and identifying the underlying trends of the market.

Size of the market passport: 12-15 pages
Preparation terms: 7 working days

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