Development of financial models (Business Constructor)

Pro-Consulting c offers services in designing the financial model of the project.

The financial model – цis a tool for economic and investment evaluation of a business project, which provides economic calculation of a business idea from the amount of assets, staff and funds needed for the project realization, to indexes of financial return of this investment and the period of investment return. Pro-Consulting experts give a forecast for several scenarios of your project development and calculate its profitability, depending on changes in key parameters of the project: volume and price of sales, operating expenses, risk factors and investment budget. Thus, the financial model is an indispensable tool that provides a clear understanding of economics of future business and its prospects, and will allow you to conduct operational analysis of the project. At the same time, this model can be a basis for finding an investor or involving debt financing. .
Our company develops financial models in Excel software. As a result, you will get a fully automated document with open formulas, which later will be able to be adjusted in case of changes in indicators and options during the project realization. The calculation contains about 14 annexes with monthly or quarterly payments and annual outcomes. 
The structure of the financial model of a business project:*:
Annex 1. Consolidated figures for the project 
Annex 2. Project Parameters 
Annex 3. Sources of financing and the total cost of the project 
Annex 4. . Network implementation schedule
Annex 5. Calculation of depreciation
Annex 6. Staff list
Annex 7. Calculation of the production cost
Annex 8. Sales plan
Annex 9. Projected profit and losses
Annex 10.Projected cash flows
Annex 11. Operational expenses scheme
Annex 12. Analysis of the project profitability
Annex 13. Calculating the project investment performance and its profitability: project value, the internal rate of profits, discounted payback period, return on investments, return on project
Annex 14. Analysis of project scenarios
*Depending on the specifics and features of the project, the financial analysis can be detailed and expanded through additional payments. 

You can see the portfolio of prepared investment projects below:

  1. Commercial and residential real estate;
  2. Production sphere;
  3. Food industry;
  4. Agribusiness and agriculture;
  5. Trade sector;
  6. Sector of services.

To order investment documentation or another services, or to purchase a published project, please contact us via
or +38 (044) 233-34-32, +38 (063) 044-24-02 

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