Database Call-Down (Dontact List Canvas Calling)

Your company's product may be the best in the market, far ahead of competitors in terms of consumer qualities, but if few people know about it, your advantage will not give the expected effect. Conversely – the most common, but well-promoted product or service, will be sold properly and bring a stable profit. An important rule of business is to cherish your customers, do not let them forget themselves, even if you have thousands of them. Accumulate a base of real and potential customers, periodically make customer phone calls. And it is better to outsource this feature to professionals.

Our call center will make calls to your contacts with minimal time and money but with maximum efficiency.

The purposes of such a customer call may be as follows:

  • restoring or creating a contact database;
  • bringing company news, information about new products, special offers to customers;
  • receiving feedback to determine the level of customer satisfaction with goods and services;
  • invitations to various events;
  • congratulations on holidays, important dates and other forms of individual approach.

Call to restore or create a contact database

The experience of our call center shows that public activities, and not only in business area, are based on interaction with external audiences. The better this interaction, the greater the success of its initiator. It is difficult for a common person to calculate how many people he has interacted with during his life, but a successful businessman, politician, public figure is obliged to remember all his contacts, to maintain them in a "hot", ready for interaction state. If the contact database has cooled down, our call center will help by making both customer calls by phone and calls to any contact database.

Even if you do not have a list of contacts or its volume is insufficient, the situation will change for the better as a result of cooperation with our call center. With the help of a special method we will select potential customers from our available "cold" base of respondents and make them your "warm" contacts by calling.

Calling customers by phone for information

The next thing you can entrust the call center with is to bring the information you need to your contacts. For example, the fact that a new store has opened in the city, a new product has appeared on sale, a discount campaign have started, etc. Providing of such information through the call center can be organized:

  • with the involvement of operators;
  • using the auto-informer.

When choosing this call center service be sure that your efforts to develop the company and promote its products will not be in vain. There is no doubt that dialogue with the operator is much more effective than just sending voice messages.

Calling clients by phone to invite clients to various events

By organizing a public event, like a presentation, seminar, conference, concert or performance, you hope that it will be attended by as many people interested in it as possible. Calling your contact list through our call center will help you invite them. The professionalism of its employees will ensure:

  • high turnout to the event;
  • freeing your staff from the routine phone calls and maximum focus on the quality of the event;
  • timely notification of visitors about possible changes in the plan of the event.

Inviting your contacts to events through the call center is the best way to meet personally and further strengthen the connection.

Call customers by phone for individual holiday greetings

Everyone is pleased when he is remembered, called by name, congratulated on his birthday, public, professional holidays and other important dates in his life. Do not skimp on the signs of attention and you will get the most loyal customers to your company, who will perceive you almost as family member.

Order our call center’s regular calls of contacts in order to form an individual approach, and you will provide your products to an audience of the most loyal consumers.

To order market analysis or another services, or to purchase a published project, please contact us via or +38 (044) 233-34-32

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