Desk marketing research: combination of speed and quality

Desk marketing research: combination of speed and quality

Pro-Consulting, performing marketing research on the orders of client businesses, uses all available research methods to obtain the most comprehensive, complete and reliable information on issues of interest to the customer. Field methods are used to obtain primary data and secondary information is processed during desk market research.

Desk research: types and sources of information

Desk marketing research includes two major areas:

  1. Analysis of the customer company’s internal data:
  • product characteristics;
  • customer databases;
  • summary of sales volumes;
  • results of previous research;
  • all available statistical information.
  1. Desk research of external data:
  • state legal framework;
  • statistics service data;
  • reports of commercial and non-profit research centers;
  • publications of specialized publications;
  • media materials;
  • content analysis of Internet and other resources.

This approach allows to implement desk marketing research quickly and without loss of quality in covering issues of interest to the customer in the first place.

Also read more detailed material on comprehensive market research

When are only desk research used in marketing?

There are situations when the speed of market analysis and marketing strategy development is very important. Especially often this need arises in periods of rapid economic change when it is necessary to minimize losses, there is an opportunity to enter a new development trajectory and it is better to do so before competitors. In this case, the most optimal is desk marketing research.

Currently, Pro-Consulting company has developed special anti-crisis services for market research, the speed of which is provided by desk research conducted according to the methodology developed during more than 15 years of our team practice. The anti-crisis package, which involves only desk marketing research, includes:

  • express market analysis performed within 3-5 working days;
  • in-depth market research conducted in 10-14 working days.

Get acquainted with the structures of implemented marketing research in the published market research reports catalog – follow the link

As a result, desk marketing research will allow you to get:

  • description of the market current state and trends in its development;
  • analysis of direct and indirect competitors’ activity;
  • models of consumer behavior in different market segments;
  • research of product sales channels, including foreign economic contour;
  • new risks, barriers and opportunities are identified;
  • recommendations of the marketer-strategist on adaptation of business to new economic conditions.

If you are not sure which method of market research is right for you, just contact Pro-Consulting and ask your questions to a consultant.

Date of placement: 05.08.2020

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