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Business plan of elevator at 53,000 tonnes of grain storage

Business plan of elevator at 53,000 tonnes of grain storage
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2015 year
Number of pages: 5 pages, including 21 applications, 24 tables, 25 figures (document prepared in Russian)
Payment method: cashless / cash, 100% prepayment
Production method: digital in Word + financial model in Excel
18999 UAH
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The concept of the project:

From 2006 to 2010, cereal production in the Ukrainian market has grown significantly - by 25.5%. Therefore, the existing elevator capacity is unable to meet the demand for grain storage. Especially, most of the grain elevators built in Soviet times and has long been obsolete. According to statistics, the low level of development of the base processing and storage of crops, crop loss is about 25%. Therefore, the creation of new elevator capacities - a promising activity in agriculture. New elevators will make it possible to store more grain in the best conditions, as well as reduce the risk of seasonality, allowing manufacturers to sell products at the best prices.
The business plan includes the construction and gradual organization of the grain elevator capacity of a lump sum of 53 thousand tons. Specialization of the company - reception, drying, cleaning and storage of wheat, sunflower, corn, etc. The project involves the purchase and installation of the elevator Polish production, completing its acquisition by a certified laboratory and other equipment. Also, the project includes work on the landscaping company: supply w / d branches, gas, electricity, water supply area.
During the development of the project was characterized by the production process, technology components, the necessary personnel, as well as to analyze the market and grain elevators in Ukraine. The financial model of the business plan includes a description of the required investment, financial investments schedule, payment schedule (in the case of credit), sales plan, the profit and loss account, statement of projected cash flow of the project and describe the balance of the company. Also, the business plan includes an assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project, which are designed such indicators: internal rate of return, net present value, payback period, etc.






2.1.1. Goals and objectives of the Project

2.1.2. Sources of funding for the project. Areas of investment

2.1.3. Network Diagram implementation and financing of the Project


2.2.1. Location of the Project, the circuit area

2.2.2. The manufacturing process The description of technology of cultivation of crops Description grain storage technology

2.2.3. Characteristics of production capacity Agricultural machinery Elevator

2.2.4. Characteristics of products Cereals

2.2.5. Source of raw materials Cereals

2.2.6. Cost of production Cost of cultivation of grain Cost of the work elevator

2.2.7. Footage. Personnel policy

2.2.8. Laws and regulations affecting Cereals Taxation of Agricultural Producers

2.3. Grains Market in Ukraine

2.3.1. Overview of crops


2.3.3. The main producers of grains market

2.3.4. Foreign trade in grains market of Ukraine

2.3.5. Price dynamics and changes in the value of the market for cereals in Ukraine

2.3.6. Forecast of the industry and the investment attractiveness of Ukraine's grain


2.4.1. Prerequisites for the calculations and reasoning

2.4.2. The sales forecast for the Project

2.4.3. Generation of profits for the Project

2.4.4. Forecast cash flow for the Project

2.4.5. The breakeven point for the Project

2.4.6. Justification structuring of credit (grace period. Repayment schedule)

2.4.7. Justification loan servicing capabilities. Debt service ratio

2.4.8. Evaluation of investment attractiveness of the Project

2.4.9. Sensitivity analysis of the Project


2.5.1. Factor analysis of project risks Risks of loss of profits and consumer risks Resource risk and implementation Bureaucratic and administrative risks Financial risks

2.5.2. Risk reduction strategies

2.6. SWOT-analysis




Appendix 1. Aggregates for Project

Appendix 2. Project Settings

Appendix 3. Sources of financing and the total cost of the Project

Appendix 4. Agricultural Technology for the Project

Appendix 5. The project implementation schedule and funding sources

Appendix 6. Repayment of the loan and the payment of interest on the Project

Appendix 7. Service Schedule Credit for Project

Appendix 8. The calculation of depreciation for the Project

Appendix 9. Staffing for the Project

Appendix 10. Costing of the cultivation of grain (wheat, barley, corn)

Appendix 11. Sales Plan

Appendix 12. Projected profit and loss statement for the Project

Appendix 13. Projected statement of cash flows

Appendix 14. Diagram of operating expenses and income for the Project

Appendix 15. Budget balance 

Appendix 16. Formation profit

Appendix 17. Break-even 2-7 years

Appendix 18. The calculation of the internal rate of return for the Project

Appendix 19. The calculation of the performance of its project activities

Appendix 20. The discounted payback period

Appendix 21. The calculation of scenarios for business development

Appendix 22. Evaluation scenarios for business

List of Tables:

Table 1 . Project Summary

Table 2. Destinations investment

Table 3. General Settings on the Project

Table 4. Price parameters of the elevator

Table 5. Taxation Project

Table 6. Equipment elevator

Table 7. Total cost of equipment elevator

Table 8. Staffing the Project

Table 9. The balance of supply and demand of grain in Ukraine 2008/2009 and MG 2009/2010 MG tons

Table 10. The balance of supply and demand of the world market of cereals 2008/2009 and MG 2009/2010 MG Mt

Table 11. Grouping regions of Ukraine by region

Table 12. The structure of grain exports by countries importing

Table 13. The largest private owners of grain elevators in Ukraine

Table 14. The location of elevators

Table 15. Formation profit Project

Table 16. Operating expenses for the project

Table 17. The size of the direct cost of service elevator

Table 18. and sampling schedule of loan repayment

Table 19. Ratio DSCR

Table 20. Performance Indicators

Table 21. The sensitivity of the project to change the prices for services elevator

Table 22. The sensitivity of the project to reduce congestion elevator

Table 23. Sensitivity to changes in the cost of the project

Table 24. SWOT-analysis

List of graphs and charts:

Figure 1. Destinations ща investment

Figure 2. Financial schedule of the project

Figure 3. Location of the Project

Figure 4. Organizational Project

Figure 5. Dynamics of production of grain in Ukraine, 2006-2010,, Kt

Figure 6. The share of grain production by region, 2009/2010 MG

Figure 7. The structure of sown areas in regions of Ukraine

Figure 8. Dynamics of the acreage of grain 2005-2010,, ha

Figure 9. Export Structure of grain for the 2009/2010 MG

Figure 10. Dynamics of grain prices in 2006-2010, UAH / t

Figure 11. The structure of the location of elevators in regions of Ukraine

Figure 12. The share of income from services for the types of services

Figure 13. and revenue costs of the project

Figure 14. Dynamics of net income and return on sales

Figure 15. Formation of the net profit on the project

Figure 16. Operating expenses

Figure 17. The structure of the direct cost of service elevator

Figure 18. Chart loan service

Figure 19. The dynamics of debt-servicing ratios for the project

Figure 20. Schedule breakeven Project

Figure 21. The internal rate of return

Figure 22. Payback Project

Figure 23. Correlation of NPV and the prices of services elevator

Figure 24. Correlation of NPV and congestion elevator

Figure 25. Correlation of NPV and cost of service elevator

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