Analysis of the development of trade in wholesale food markets in Ukraine. 2024 year

Analysis of the development of trade in wholesale food markets in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2024 year
Number of pages: 29, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Tables: 7
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
37400 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Purpose and research methods
2. General trends in the development of market trade in Ukraine
3. Overview of the largest and best wholesale food markets of Ukraine from the point of view of finding potential additional services for businesses and visitors
3.1. Shuvar
3.2. Beginning
3.3. Capital
3.4. Bessarabian
3.5. Dubovo
4. Analysis of international experience in the context of additional services for visitors and businesses, waste management and alternative energy sources
4.1. Spanish Polder Markt
4.2. Mercasa
4.3. Marché International de Rungis
4.4. Mercato Ortofrutticolo Verona
4.5. Central de Abastos
5. Definition and review of promising concepts for a market player
6. Research conclusions
6.1. Prospects for the development of market trade in Zhytomyr
6.2. Recommendations based on the experience of competitors and defined development concepts
6.2.1. Expanding the market parking lot and maintaining the asphalt surface in good condition
6.2.2. Construction of additional infrastructure in the market: ATMs
6.2.3. Construction of additional infrastructure in the market: stationary toilets
6.2.4. Creation of installations for the production of alternative energy in the territory of the market

List of Tables:

1. Characteristics of the "Shuvar" market (Lviv)
2. Characteristics of the market "Pochatok" (Odesa)
3. Characteristics of the "Stolichny" market (Kyiv)
4. Characteristics of the "Bessarabskyi" market (Kyiv)
5. Characteristics of the market "Dubovo" (Khmelnytskyi)
6. Summary characteristics of the infrastructure and services for visitors and businesses of the studied markets
7. Characteristics of places of market trade in the city of Zhytomyr

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