Industry markets analysis: clarity is the key to right decisions

Industry markets analysis: clarity is the key to right decisions

The analysis of industry markets is performed by Pro-Consulting at the request of clients in cases where they need to determine:

  • how to most effectively respond to the actions of competitors who are trying to expand their market share or take a more advantageous position;
  • what changes need to be made to the existing product to best meet consumer requirements;
  • investment attractiveness of the industry and the feasibility of bringing a new participant to the relevant market;
  • what methods of product promotion should be used in the current market conditions.

Read about exports analysis as part of marketing research

The analysis of industry market is performed using the same methods and tools as a comprehensive market analysis, but taking into account the specific tasks set to the marketing research agency by the customer.

Analysis of industry markets: our capabilities

Industry market analysis can be quite a challenge for an untrained or inexperienced performer. It involves the use of special techniques for obtaining, consolidating, processing and presenting information.

The analysis of industry markets by Pro-Consulting is carried out by analysts according to the standards of the European Association of Marketing Research – ESOMAR – and the methods honed over more than 15 years of activity in the consulting business.

To conduct desk research in the framework of the "industry market analysis" service, our analysts have access to data:

  • state statistics service and other official structures;
  • commercial and non-profit non-governmental organizations that have ever analyzed industry markets;
  • publications of specialized publications;
  • media monitoring;
  • content analysis of Internet resources;
  • exclusive databases of the company and our partners.

When implementing the "industry market analysis" service, the internal information of the customer company is also actively used.

Learn more about market analysis as a tool for receiving retrospective analytics and forecast market indicators

Industry market analysis often requires its own field research, such as surveys, focus groups, in-depth or expert interviews. These tools are also available to Pro-Consulting analysts who analyze industry markets. The company has its own call center and is equipped with a studio for focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Analysis of industry markets: the structure of the research

When ordering the "industry market analysis" service, we meticulously discuss with a client the goals he would like to achieve in the end and, based on these goals, determine the structure of the final report on the market or industry. Thus, each analysis of the industry market is individual in nature and content. It can contain the following sections:

1. Basic market data:Framework of state regulation.

  • description;
  • major indicators;
  • structure;
  • raw materials used and production technology.

2. Framework of state regulation.

3. The volume of production and the dynamics of its change.

4. Activities of competitors.

5. Sales in the industry market.

6. Volumes of foreign trade operations.

7. Price dynamics and pricing factors.

8. Consumer sentiment.

9. Sales channels.

10. Assortment of competing products.

11. Conclusions and forecasts.

12. Conclusion on the investment attractiveness of the industry, existing opportunities, barriers and risks.

Learn more about goods and services market analysis as part of market research

Analysis of industry markets: anti-crisis option

Under normal circumstances, industry markets analysis is performed over last 3-5 years, and forecasts and recommendations are given for the medium term. However, realizing that in a period of sharp economic shocks it is necessary to act quickly and a distant retrospective can not always be the basis for forecasting, we have prepared a special anti-crisis package of services "industry market analysis."

If you need to get key information on the market within 3-5 business days, a quick analysis of the industry market is the best option. It will contain enough data to respond correctly to changing business conditions, that is:

  • basic information about the market during the crisis;
  • values ​​of the major market parameters and tendencies of their changes;
  • measures taken by competitors;
  • consumer reaction.

If you search on the Internet for information on your market, but can not systematize and analyze it, just contact us – we guarantee independent market analysis for business decisions

A little longer – up to 14 working days – Pro-Consulting will conduct an in-depth anti-crisis analysis of the industry. This format contains additional information about:

  • competitors' marketing strategies:
  • interaction with consumers;
  • circs of raw materials supply;
  • pricing policy;
  • sales channels used;
  • conditions of foreign economic activity;
  • state of public procurement;
  • opportunities to avoid negative factors and take advantage.

We offer you to get acquainted with examples of structures and annotations to published market research reports of industry markets by Pro-Consulting – the probability that we have already researched your market is 90%. Go to the published market research reports catalog.


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