Order market analysis. Market condition analysis and forecasts

Order market analysis. Market condition analysis and forecasts

Why should you order market analysis right now?

The sharp turmoil of the market environment can seriously disorient the management of business entities. In an environment where habitual landmarks are disappearing or changing beyond recognition it is important for companies to quickly develop further strategies to eliminate harm and maximize profits. It is better to do this earlier than other market operators to gain an additional advantage over them. You need information to develop a strategy and quickly conducted market analysis will give it.

Why is it worth analyzing the market with us?

Pro-Consulting has been consulting for more than 15 years. Since 2005 we’re a permanent member of UMA. We have conducted more than 1700 research projects, and market analysis occupies leading position among our services.

If you take a look at the period of Pro-Consulting's activities, even with the naked eye you can see several pronounced periods of economic and political turbulence. In those days domestic business always had an additional need to analyze the market and we successfully coped with the tasks.

What will the market analysis consist of?

Pro-Consulting carries out market research activities in accordance with international standards ESOMAR, which defines a high level of quality of work. The structure of a particular research is determined by the terms of reference of the client who decided to order a market analysis.

You can contact us and mark the major parameters of the project – we will promptly consult you and answer all questions about market analysis

The final market report may include the following sections:

  1. General characteristics of the market:
  • description;
  • general indicators;
  • structure;
  • development trends.
  1. State regulation of the market:
  • regulatory framework;
  • taxation;
  • features of public procurement.
  1. Products production and sale:
  • quantitative volume;
  • money supply;
  • direction and dynamics of changes in production and sales volumes.
  1. Major market operators:
  • list and description of leading players;
  • structuring operators by niches and market shares;
  • assessment of the degree of competition and risks;
  1. Sales volumes in the market:
  • structuring by:
    • operators;
    • types of products;
  • consumption of products by operators.
  1. Foreign economic activity:
  • exports and imports:
    • volumes, structure, prices, geography of deliveries.
  1. Prices and pricing:
  • current prices and dynamics of their change;
  • factors influencing pricing;
  • cost and profitability of production.
  1. Consumption in the market:
  • consumer portrait;
  • consumption structure;
  • degree of consumer satisfaction;
  • consumption in the B2G sector;
  • analysis of the Internet audience of consumers.
  1. Product sales channels:
  • description;
  • sales structure by channels.
  1. Products assortment in the market.
  2. Conclusions, forecasts:
  • identified trends;
  • construction of market development hypotheses;
  • market forecast indicators;
  • recommendations on market behavior strategy.
  1. Assessment of investment attractiveness of the market:
  • SWOT analysis;
  • PEST analysis;
  • risks and barriers for new players.

You can order a market analysis with either all sections or only the blocks that interest you. The price will be formed individually according to the volume of the terms of reference for market analysis

We also inform you that it is also possible to buy a published market analysis reports – look in the published market research reports store – we may have already analyzed your market

Market analysis by Pro-Consulting is a guarantee of exclusivity

Conducting market analysis for our customers, we use all available sources of secondary information, as well as collect and process primary data during field research. The first mentioned group of sources includes:

  • State Statistics Service;
  • ministries, services and other state bodies;
  • relevant business associations;
  • market operators;
  • specialized information resources and mass media;
  • own information bases of companies and their partners.

To collect primary information, Pro-Consulting analysts who conduct marketing analysis have a call center, and we also conduct focus group research.

Post-crisis market analysis

Economic perturbations often knock out companies' information base on which management relied in the past. A need of urgent creation of a new fulcrum arises and this is a good reason to order a market analysis prepared according to a special post-crisis structure.

This market analysis differs from the usual:

  • lack of retrospective research of the situation before the crisis;
  • market development forecast only for the period of negative factors;
  • analysis of competitors' actions to overcome the crisis;
  • specific recommendations for priority steps.

Post-crisis market analysis is possible in two forms:

  • express market analysis – performed within 3-5 working days;
  • in-depth market analysis – 10-14 working days.

Basic structure of express market analysis:

  • trends in the transformation of market conditions;
  • current market capacity and forecast of its change during the crisis and for up to six months after its completion;
  • activities of major market operators
  • shares;
  • discounts;
  • non-standard marketing techniques.
  • consumer behavior:
  • new cost structure;
  • changing preferences for certain goods and services.

In-depth market analysis in a post-crisis format will provide the customer with additional information on the following issues:

  • sales of products by major competitors:
  • raw material suppliers;
  • sales channels;
  • sales structure;
  • pricing and pricing policy.
  • foreign economic activity in the market;
  • government procurement;
  • dynamics of the average price of production.

You can get acquainted with the full description of the service "Market analysis during the crisis"

In-depth marketing analysis will allow our marketing strategist to make recommendations for you on adapting the company's activities to changing market conditions. These recommendations will include up to three possible unique trade offers, based, for example, on the development of new sales channels or changes in the product itself. In-depth market analysis information, conclusions and recommendations will be a reliable basis for developing or adjusting the company's marketing strategy.

Do not forget that the crisis is not only a decline but the emergence of opportunities for new growth, the step to the next level of the spiral of development. Market analysis by Pro-Consulting will help you identify these opportunities and grope the trajectory of reaching the next level. The cost of market analysis will be fully justified by the not fully lost opportunities and saved resources in the future.

If you search on the Internet for information on your market but can not systematize and analyze it, just contact us – we guarantee independent market analysis for business decisions

Date of placement: 27.05.2020

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