Customer loyalty assessment: feedback is invaluable

Customer loyalty assessment: feedback is invaluable

Pro-Consulting call center allows you to quickly and according to proven methods analyze customer loyalty to a brand in the market. Research and assessment of consumer loyalty in most cases is carried out in cases where the management of the enterprise needs:

  • objectively evaluate the work of employees who interact with customers;
  • create a system of motivation for sales managers, support services and similar departments;
  • identify weaknesses in the service or product of the enterprise;
  • increase sales and resale of offered goods or services.

Mentioning the name of your brand or company in a phone survey enhances their reputation among customers, which makes customer loyalty research not only a tool for determining NPS (Net Promoter Score) but also a means of influencing the consumer audience.

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Customer loyalty assessment: how is it done?

Customer loyalty analysis is one of the simplest forms of phone surveys. The operator calls the consumer and offers to answer the question: how likely is it on a scale from 0 to 10 that he will recommend a particular product or service to other people; as well as the degree of his satisfaction with certain aspects of interaction with your product / service and the company as a whole.

Respondents' answers are divided into three segments:

  • promoters who scored 9-10 points;
  • passive - 7-8 points;
  • detractors - 0-6 points.

Customer loyalty assessment is determined by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

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Consumer loyalty research: additional opportunities

Often customers of the consumer loyalty research and assessment service want to know not only the NPS-index, but also:

  • identify weaknesses in the proposed product;
  • improve the policy of interaction with clients;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • develop an effective marketing strategy.

To solve these problems, the customer loyalty research is supplemented by two questions:

  • why is such score?
  • what does one need to do to get the maximum score?

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Research and assessment of customer loyalty by Pro-Consulting will be performed even in the most difficult case, when customers are extremely negative about the brand and do not even want to talk about it. Correctly adapted questionnaire scripts and operator flexibility make it possible to convince the majority of such respondents to answer a few simple questions. Thus, researching consumer loyalty will be the first step in preventing the reduction of your consumer audience and will even return some of the already lost customers.

Customer loyalty assessment: what is needed for this?

Customer loyalty analysis is performed by synthesizing the experience of analysts, methods and technical capabilities of the Pro-Consulting call center and your desire to improve your own business performance. The client of the "customer loyalty assessment" service only needs to provide us with a customer base with phone numbers and share information about your product and a little about the problems you face in the market.

Also read the material on marketing research as a tool for studying and analyzing the market, as well as a tool for assessing the forecast development of its indicators

Date of placement: 18.08.2020

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