
Marketing Research: get analytics before you act

Conducting marketing research of the market is ordered by those Pro-Consulting clients who wish to do their business on a reliable information foundation....


Qatar and Ukraine Business News: QUBF OVERVIEW# 1 | 2021

QUBF Team is delighted to share with you the QUBF OVERVIEW as a snapshot of QUBF Footprint, Qatar and Ukraine Business News and...


Marketing research: business decisions foundation

Any stable system is stable because it is built on a solid foundation. This statement is true taking into consideration business structures. A...


How Much. Correct Method to Use Pricing Tactics


The Power of Promotion. Right Product Launch on the Market


Export Analysis: a way to foreign markets

Export analysis is one of the marketing research types implemented by Pro-Consulting. Among the major clients’ needs when ordering export analysis are the...


CIS market analysis: similar to similar

Pro-Consulting clients have the opportunity to order not only market research in Ukraine, but also analysis of foreign markets, among which an important...


Order market analysis. Market condition analysis and forecasts

The sharp turmoil of the market environment can seriously disorient the management of business entities. In an environment where habitual landmarks are disappearing...


Ukrainian VT industry foresees sunny days ahead. Comments by Pro-Consulting’s CEO Oleksandr Sokolov for Elevator World

Despite recent political unrest involving Russia, as well as the pandemic bringing many projects to a halt in 2020, the Ukrainian elevator market...

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