The Power of Promotion. Right Product Launch on the Market


Success of any product largely depends on its promotion. You may have excellent idea, really efficient service, and great, great product, but there is no use of all of that without proper marketing. What have we to do to make the public know about us? Nothing special -  just to develop the brand promotion strategy.


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In order to get such result as ready action plan for brand promotion we have to clarify its key features and particularities. This stage may be divided in several steps:

1.    Selection of target market.

2.    Determination of communication objective (what would you like to get from the consumers having offered to them communication with your brand), it may be just the knowledge about product or stimulation of the demand.

3.    Selection of media and channels for communications with potential customers.

4.    Selection of target audience (one or several).

5.    Determination of efficiency criteria, i.e. the results and values which make it possible for you to evaluate success of the campaigns performed.

6.    Distribution of key points – the steps of promotion strategy which require additional attention and organization.

7.    Calculation of advertising budget taking into account ATL and BTL strategies.

ATL Strategy

As it was already mentioned above, all advertising budget for brand promotion should be split in order to implement ATL and BTL strategies. ATL means common and usual marketing communications including printed media, radio, TV, outdoor and polygraph advertising. Rather large social groups may be covered by ATL strategy – this factor contributes significantly to the increase of costs for such advertising strategy.

ATL promotion provides for such preparatory steps as determination of main company’s objectives, communication channels with the audience, working-out of idea to be delivered to the potential consumers, determination of KPI basing on which you may calculate efficiency of the events, etc.

BTL Strategy


To distinguish from ATL strategy, BTL strategy is focused not on the wide coverage but on the influence on certain target group. As a rule, tools used for BTL ensure personal contact with focus groups and participants of promo events directly at the points of sale.

Realization of BTL strategy consists of the same steps as ATL. Before its beginning main objectives should be determined, the budget with detailed distribution by items of costs should be calculated, marketing action plan should be prepared for different objectives and the results should be forecasted.

                                                                   In the Net

The role of Internet in business development becomes more and more important each year. That’s why Internet promotion should be mandatory taken into account. Otherwise really important audience may appear not covered by your advertising efforts.

Internet advertising campaign also requires thorough preparation and calculation of the budget. Modern technologies make it possible to benefit from advantages of context advertising, banners, posts in social networks, etc. Your objective is to select the most efficient channels which are capable to ensure maximum response.

In addition, targeting should be clearly determined. By the way, Internet advertising makes it possible for you to deliver important information to the target audience attention of which is of key importance for the company at this moment.

Brand promotion is a complex and careful process, Nevertheless, right approach to marketing communications ensures for your company bright presentation on the market and permanent support of public interest to your products and services which are the keys of success.



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