Call center services: professional conversations

Call center services: professional conversations

The call center of Pro-Consulting was created to provide clients with effective tools to optimize their processes of interaction with the target audience. With the help of our call center, feedback is created between the seller of products / services and his buyers, a political or public organization and population. To organize this connection, Pro-Consulting offers the following call center services:

  • phone surveys;
  • phone sales – telemarketing;
  • determination of the loyalty index (Net Promoter Score);
  • updating customer bases;
  • mystery caller.

You can order call center services, prices for which are significantly lower than the costs that you would spend to achieve the same goals on your own, on the Pro-Consulting website.

Call center services: the benefits of phone surveys

In the “Call Center Services” section of the site the phone surveys are on the first line of the list for a reason. Telephone questionnaires are the most effective field research method for analyzing markets, compiling a portrait of the target audience of consumers, identifying ways to increase brand awareness and increase sales. It will be useful for a political party, a non-governmental organization and any other structure operating in the public sphere to order the services of a call center to find out the prevailing opinions in society.

The advantages of the call center service "Phone Survey" over other types of questioning are:

  • the best value for money;

Experienced managers choose an outsourced call center for conducting surveys the cost of which is incomparable with the potential usefulness of information that is obtained through this tool. Using the call-center service "phone survey" by informational impact is comparable to question personally, but with much less material and time costs.

  • high speed of data acquisition and processing;

Pro-Consulting’s call center is staffed with trained operators and analysts who are equipped with automation tools for the implementation of any call center service. CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) allows to quickly process the questionnaires of the largest sample of respondents. As you know, time is money and for our clients this expression is transformed into the ratio of the speed of the call-center service to the price.

Contact a Pro-Consulting consultant – we will assess the cost of telephone calls as soon as possible

  • maximum access to the target audience;

What does a visitor to an online store or other network resource usually do when a window appears with a proposal to answer several questions of the questionnaire? He follows the easiest path and clicks on the closing cross. The hurrying passer-by also brushes off the interviewer who is addressing him. Call center services, such as phone surveys, are good because more respondents agree to them than with other types of surveys. And if we talk about older people, among whom there are few active Internet users, then the coverage of this group of respondents when using the call center service "phone survey" is at an uncontested high level.

We recommend that you study the material on market analysis as a tool for obtaining retrospective market analytics and forecast indicators for it.

  • quality control during the implementation of the call center service;

The ability to control the quality of the work performed at any time is another reason to order call center services from Pro-Consulting. Our clients can listen to the work of operators in real time, keep their own statistics of responses, check the correctness of information processing. Such involvement of the customer in the process allows him to be convinced of the fairness of the price set for the call center services and the professionalism of our team.

You may also find useful a material about the method of assessing your customers loyalty by using phone surveys

The implementation of this call center service consists of the following steps:

  • defining of goals and objectives, formation of specifications on their basis;
  • development of a questionnaire;
  • selection of a base of respondents for calling;
  • testing the questionnaire and the readiness of operators, making adjustments if necessary;
  • conducting a survey with quality monitoring;
  • processing of the information received;
  • analytical description of the survey results with the attachment of systematized data in a visual form.

The above stages of the call center "phone survey" service implementation are mostly used for other types of services because they all involve interaction with respondents by phone.

If we have convinced you to order the services of a call center, the prices of which are much lower than their benefits for your business, we look forward to your contact with our consultant.

If you have a couple more minutes, read about a comprehensive market research – you will learn how to get analytics on the activities of your competitors, suppliers, demand for your products / services, your market operators’ shares, etc.


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