Analysis of the impact of the war on the agricultural markets of Ukraine for the 1st quarter 2023 year

Analysis of the impact of the war on the agricultural markets of Ukraine for the 1st quarter 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2023 year
Number of pages: 39, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 1
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Brief description of market research methodology
1.1. Regional distribution of Ukraine (map by sectors of influence)
1.2. Criteria for selecting respondents and studying the impact of war
1.3 Main factors influencing the industry
2. General factors affecting the market (destruction/damage/loss; electricity, movement of population and labor resources, storage and logistics systems, soil pollution)
3. Analysis of state and international support for the agricultural sector of Ukraine during 2022 - 1st quarter. 2023 (list of main grant programs, areas of support and cost of funds involved, main problems of obtaining support) - desk research, survey results
4. Analysis of the state of soil restoration programs (existing soil assessment and restoration programs, involved organizations, potential participants in the process) - desk study
5. Inclusiveness of agriculture in Ukraine
6. Possibilities of repair and use of existing premises for business expansion
7. Markets of services for agricultural MSMEs (veterinarians, drones, supply and introduction of fertilizers, laboratory tests)
8. Analysis of changes in the state of market systems for the 1st quarter of 2023 (according to the EMSMA methodology)
8.1. Plant growing
8.1.1. The general situation at the beginning of 2023 (cereals, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits and berries) - office studies
8.1.2. Changes that took place during the 1st quarter of 2023 in production, processing, export and domestic consumption - in general by products of cultivation and, if there were, separately by each type of product - office studies, survey results
8.1.3. The possibility of switching to other crops (energy crops, etc.)
8.1.4. Conclusions and recommendations regarding the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program by industry
8.2. Animal husbandry
8.2.1. General situation at the beginning of 2023 (meat products, dairy products, poultry)
8.2.2. Changes that took place during the 1st quarter of 2023 in production, processing, export and domestic consumption - in general by industry and, if there were - separately by each type of product - office studies, survey results
8.2.3. Conclusions and recommendations (if available) regarding the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program by industry
8.2.4. Conclusions and recommendations (if available) regarding the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program by industry
8.3. Confectionery and craft products
8.3.1. The general situation at the beginning of 2023 - cabinet studies
8.3.2. Changes that took place during the 1st quarter of 2023 in production, exports and domestic consumption - desk research, survey results
8.3.3. Conclusions and recommendations (if available) regarding the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program by industry
9. General conclusions and recommendations regarding the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program in supporting the agricultural sector of Ukraine

List of Tables:

1. Crop volumes as of April, 2021-2023, thousand hectares

List of graphs and charts:

1. Map of territories that can potentially be contaminated by explosive objects
2. The structure of sowing of spring crops as of March 31, 2023.
3. Forecast of grain crops according to the UCAB assessment of 2023, thousand ha
4. Volumes of export of the main oil crops in natural terms, million tons in 2021-2022.
5. Geography of export supplies of all types of oils from Ukraine in 2022
6. Forecast of oilseed crops according to the estimate of UKAB, 2023, thousand hectares
7. The volume of import of the main types of vegetables to Ukraine, 2021-2022 thousand tons
8. Distribution of grants by region for horticulture issued as of March 31, 2023.
9. The share of food industry enterprises operating at almost full and full capacity (75-99%, 100% and more) compared to the pre-war period, %
10. Changes in the number of animals in all types of farms as of the beginning of the year, 2020-2023.
11. Meat production in Ukraine in 2021-2022, thousand tons
12. Average purchase prices for pigs in live weight in April 2022-March 2023 per month, UAH/kg
13. Geography of export deliveries of poultry meat from Ukraine in 2022.
14. Export of milk processing products, 2021-2022, thousand tons

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