Ukrainian alcohol (imported whisky and brandy) market research report. 2018

Ukrainian alcohol (imported whisky and brandy) market research report. 2018
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2018 year
Number of pages: 22
Graphs and charts: 20
Tables: 5
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: English
10800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

• Value of imports & exports (2017);
• Other Market Plans with this sector as a priority (connect the dots, global value chains example);
• Main investors;
• Main local companies;
• Main foreign companies;
• Number of jobs supported or persons employed in this sector in the target market;
• Relative maturity of the sector (emerging, well-established, etc.);
• Information on the integrative trade perspective (i.e., innovation partnering (S&T), R&D, Canadian Direct Investment Abroad and Foreign Direct Investment);
• Describe current Canadian position in the market.
• market structure (mail alcohol segments in 2017);
• competitive pricing for alcohol;
• shipping (according to international trade);
• Other information relevant to the market structure, and useful for companies interested in exporting alcohol to Ukraine.
• Describe strengths and weaknesses of the sector in the market, including information specific to SMEs:
• Policy and access issues;
• Changes to policies with implications to trade and investment;
• Expected sector growth;
• Tax and financing issues (including access to financial institutions, presence of Canadian financial institutions and the synergies this presence offers when relevant);
• Other requirements that should be met to ensure successful participation by Canadian business.
• Describe any major foreign competition in the sector and in the market and the projects and sub-sectors in which they are focused.
• For each sector, identification of up to 4 sub-sectors where efforts will be focused (if applicable) - on the availability of information for segments of imported brandy and whiskey

List of Tables:

1. Global whisky brands presence in Ukraine
2. Global brandy brands presence in Ukraine
3. Major local whisky & brandy importers in Ukraine
4. Foreign investors with Ukrainian offices on the imported whisky and brandy market
5. SWOT analysis of Ukrainian imported whisky and brandy market

List of graphs and charts:

1. UAH/CAD exchange rate in 2017
2. Ukrainian whisky and brandy exports in 2017
3. Breakdown of Ukrainian whisky and brandy imports in 2017
4. Ukrainian whisky and brandy imports in 2017
5. Ukrainian whisky and brandy imports by types of importers in 2017
6. Major whiskey suppliers in Ukraine in 2017
7. Major brandy suppliers in Ukraine in 2017
8. Ukrainian whisky and brandy imports by foreign importers in 2017
9. Geographical breakdown of whisky imports in 2017, bulk.
10. Breakdown of Canadian whisky imports by brands in 2017, bulk.
11. Ukrainian whisky market structure by most popular brands, bulk
12. Ukrainian brandy market structure by most popular brands, bulk
13. Breakdown of Ukrainian whisky market by type of whisky, bulk
14. Ukrainian imported whisky market breakdown by retail price of 0.7l bottle, bulk
15. Ukrainian imported brandy market breakdown by retail price of 0.7l bottle, bulk
16. Ukrainian whisky and brandy imports by shipping terms in 2017
17. Structure of alcohol consumption in Ukraine, liters of pure alcohol, 2015
18. Ukrainian vodka market indicators.
19. Imports of rum in Ukraine, thousand liters
20. Ukrainian wine market indicators.

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