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Analysis of the craft beer market in Ukraine. 2020 year

Analysis of the craft beer market in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2020 year
Number of pages: 47 Arial,1 spacing, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 27
Tables: 14
Payment method: cash or non-cash payment, prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
22900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the craft beer market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2016-2019 in Kyiv and Ukraine in general
1.2. General market indicators, dynamics of craft beer market capacity in 2016-2019 (production + import - export) in Ukraine. Estimation of Kyiv market capacity
1.3. Segmentation of the beer market capacity (allocation of the share of craft beer), calculation of the share of imported and domestic craft beer in Ukraine
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. The main laws regulating the industry (list, brief summary and features of laws)
2.2. Taxes and fees in the market (general business taxation; import and export duties, plans to change them (if any))
3. Production of craft beer in 2016-2019 in Ukraine
3.1. Volume of production in physical terms in 2016-2019 in Ukraine and Kyiv (based on assessment)
3.2. Production volume in monetary terms in 2016-2019 in Ukraine and Kyiv (based on assessment)
4. The main operators of the craft beer market in Kyiv
4.1. The main market operators and their description, a list of all craft beer producers in Ukraine (based on the data on obtaining a license for production in the State Fiscal Service)
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main operators (by TM, by representation in large chain retailers)
4.3. Market shares of major operators (based on financial statements)
4.4. Degree of competition and risks
5. Foreign trade in the craft beer market in 2016-2019
5.1. Export of craft beer in 2016-2019 (volumes, average export prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporters and their shares)
5.2. Import of craft beer in 2016-2019 (volumes, average import prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporters and their shares)
6. Price and pricing in the Ukrainian craft beer market
6.1. Average linear retail prices for craft beer at the moment (according to online prices of Ukrainian supermarkets and specialized stores)
6.2. Description of factors influencing price formation
7. Consumption of products in the craft beer market in Kyiv
7.1. Consumer preferences regarding products, consumer portrait (analysis based on desk research)
7.2. Structuring and segmenting consumption based on evaluation
8. Sales channels for products on the market (chain retailers, specialized stores, pubs and cafes), description of distribution channels and their structure in Kyiv
9. Product range presented on the market in Kyiv
10. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
10.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
10.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2018-2020 in Ukraine and Kyiv
11. Investment attractiveness of the industry
11.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
11.2. PEST - market direction analysis
11.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry
11.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. List of legislative acts regulating the beer market in Ukraine
2. List of current import and export duties on beer in Ukraine
3. The list of issued licenses for beer producers in Ukraine with an annual production volume of up to 3,000 hectoliters issued as of the end of 2019
4. The list of the main operators of the craft beer market in Kyiv
5. List of the most popular craft beer breweries
6. The main parameters of the assessment of the competitive environment of the market under study
7. Assessment of the competitive environment in the craft beer market of Ukraine
8. Results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the craft beer market of Ukraine
9. List of current prices for Ukrainian brands of craft beer, hryvnias/bottle. 0.33
10. Assortment and prices for the offered craft beer in Kyiv, including online and offline sales channels
11. SWOT analysis of the craft beer market in Kyiv
12. PEST analysis of the craft beer market in Ukraine
13. Segmentation of market risks
14. Risk map for the craft beer market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the volume of the craft beer market in Ukraine in 2016-2019. in kind, million dal
2. Dynamics of the volume of the craft beer market in Kyiv in 2016-2019. in kind, million dal
3. Dynamics of the share of the craft beer segment in Ukraine in the structure of the beer market as a whole in 2016-2019. in natural terms, %
4. The dynamics of Kyiv's share in the structure of craft beer production in Ukraine in 2016-2019. in natural terms, %
5. The dynamics of the fate of Kyiv in the structure of the sale of craft beer in Ukraine in 2016-2019. in monetary terms, %
6. The structure of craft beer by country of origin on the Ukrainian market in 2018
7. The structure of craft beer by country of origin on the Ukrainian market in 2018 in natural terms, dal
8. Dynamics of the volume of beer production in Ukraine as a whole in 2016-2019. in kind, million dal
9. Dynamics of the volume of craft beer production in Ukraine in 2016-2019. in kind, million dal
10. Dynamics of the volume of craft beer production in Ukraine in 2016-2019. in kind, million dal
11. Dynamics of the volume of craft beer production in Ukraine in 2016-2019. other knd, million dal
12. Dynamics of the volume of craft beer production in Ukraine in 2016-2019. in monetary terms, million hryvnias
13. Dynamics of the volume of craft beer production in Kyiv in 2016 - 2019. in monetary terms, million hryvnias
14. Geographical structure of the location of the largest craft breweries in Ukraine
15. Segmentation of the largest craft breweries of Ukraine in terms of the presence of a pub and the presence of products in trade and specialized networks
16. The structure of the market shares of the main operators of the craft beer market of Ukraine
17. Comparative structure of average prices for Ukrainian craft beer brands by sales channel, hryvnias/stock. 0.33
18. Segmentation of consumers of traditional and craft beer in Ukraine by gender
19. The structure of the craft beer consumption activity in terms of the purchasing power of the segment
20. Segmentation of craft beer consumers in Ukraine by age
21. The priority structure of criteria for the choice of craft beer by the consumer
22. Assessment of consumers' understanding of the concept of "craft beer", % of respondents' opinions
23. Geographical structure of consumption of traditional and craft beer in Ukraine in 2019, % of total sales in the category
24. The structure of the use of distribution channels in the process of selling craft beer in Kyiv
25. Predictive indicators of the positive hypothesis of the development of the craft beer market in Ukraine and the city of Kyiv in monetary terms, million UAH.
26. Predictive indicators of the negative hypothesis of the development of the craft beer market in Ukraine and Kyiv in monetary terms, million UAH.
27. The structure of distribution channels in the craft beer market in Kyiv

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