Date of Preparation: | July 2019 year |
Number of pages: | 12, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt |
Graphs and charts: | 10 |
Tables: | 3 |
Payment method: | cash or non-cash payment, prepayment |
Production method: | e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form |
Report language: | russian |
1. Analysis of trends in the berries market in Ukraine (specificity, problems, factors of influence on the market)
2. Dynamics of production and market volume of berries in Ukraine
3. Foreign trade in the berries market of Ukraine
4. Consumer preferences in the berries market of Ukraine
5. Conclusions and forecast market development tendencies
1. Dynamics of berry market capacity in Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019 in kind, thousand tons
2. Dynamics of berry imports into Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019 by sorts, in kind, t.
3. Dynamics of berries exports in Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019 by sorts, in kind, t
1. Dynamics of berry market capacity in Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019. In kind, thousand tons
2. Dynamics of berries production and sales in Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019. in kind, thousand tons
3. Dynamics of the berry crops plantations area in Ukraine in 2014-2018, thousand hectares
4. Dynamics of berries imports in Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019. in kind, t.
5. Structure of berries import from Ukraine in 2014-2018 by sort, in kind,%
6. Geographical structure of berry imports into Ukraine in 2014-2018 in kind,%
7. Dynamics of berries export from Ukraine in 2014-4 months 2019. in kind, t.
8. Structure of berries export from Ukraine in 2014-2018 by sorts, in kind,%
9. Geographical structure of berries export from Ukraine in 2014-2018 in kind,%
10. Berries consumers in Ukraine segmentation by gender,%