Research of impact of the war on Ukrainian agricultural markets according to EMSMA methodology. July-September 2023

Research of impact of the war on Ukrainian agricultural markets according to EMSMA methodology. July-September 2023
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2023 year
Number of pages: 41, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 2
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Brief description of the market research methodology
1.1. Regional distribution of Ukraine (map by sectors of influence)
1.2. Criteria for selecting respondents and studying the impact of the war
1.3 Main factors affecting the agricultural sector
2. General factors affecting the market (destruction/damage/losses; electricity, displacement of population and labor, storage and logistics systems, soil contamination)
3. Markets for services for agricultural MSMEs (veterinarians, drones, fertilizer supply and application, laboratory analysis)
4. Analysis of state and international support for the agricultural sector of Ukraine for July-August 2023 (list of major grant programs, areas of support and cost of funds raised, main problems of obtaining support) - desk research, survey results
5 Analysis of the feasibility of implementing social programs in the agricultural sector, including employment of wounded veterans (based on the results of the survey)
6 Analysis of the impact of certain factors and market systems on certain sectors of the agricultural sector during martial law in the country (based on the EMSMA methodology)
6.1 Crop production
6.1.1. General situation as of September 1, 2023 (grains, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits and berries)
6.1.2. Changes that occurred in 2022-2023 in production, processing, exports and domestic consumption - in general by crops and, if any, separately by each type of product - desk research, survey results
6.1.3. Conclusions and recommendations for engaging USAID AGRO by sector
6.1.4. Conclusions on the functioning of the market system and the cause and effect of changes in relations between its participants since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and expectations for changes in relationships by the end of 2023
6.2. Livestock production
6.2.1. General situation as of September 1, 2023 (meat products, dairy products, poultry)
6.2.2. Changes that occurred in 2022-2023 in production, processing, exports and domestic consumption - in general by industry and, if any, separately for each type of product - desk research, survey results
6.2.3. Conclusions and recommendations (if any) on the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program by sector
6.2.4. Conclusions on the functioning of the market system and the cause and effect of changes in relations between its participants since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and expectations for changes in relationships by the end of 2023
6.3. Confectionery and craft products
6.3.1. General situation as of September 1, 2023 - desk research
6.3.2. Changes in production, exports and domestic consumption in 2022-2023 - desk research, survey results
6.3.3 Conclusions and recommendations (if any) on the involvement of the USAID AGRO Program by sector
6.3.4 Conclusions on the functioning of the market system and the cause and effect of changes in relations between its participants since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and expectations for changes in relationships by the end of 2023
7. General conclusions and recommendations

List of Tables:

1.Grain production (gross harvest), comparison of 2022 and August 2023
2.Dynamics of changes in consumer prices for "borscht set" vegetables in January - August 2022-23, UAH/kg

List of graphs and charts:

1.Dynamics of the total estimate of direct losses of the Ukrainian economy, $ billion.
2.Estimation of changes in production volumes according to the survey (September 2023), segmented by sector
3.Distribution of answers to the question about the impact of pollution on business by sector
4.Willingness to hire veterans if an international donor provides training and appropriate opportunities for the enterprise
5.Assistance that entrepreneurs need to employ veterans
6.Top 10 regions for wheat harvest*, mln. tons
7.Dynamics of grain exports from Ukraine, April-August 2023, thousand tons
8.The structure of grain exports from Ukraine, July-August 2023, thsd tonnes
9.Dynamics of oilseeds and processed products exports from Ukraine, April-August 2023, thsd tonnes
10.Dynamics of the number of animals in Ukraine, million heads
11.Geography of meat production in Ukraine, January-July 2023
12.Dynamics of changes in consumer prices for meat in January-August 2023, UAH/kg
13.Volumes of cattle slaughter, January-July 2022-2023, thousand tons
14.Export volumes of eggs from Ukraine, 7 months. 2022-2023, in physical (thousand tons) and monetary ($ million) terms
15.Volumes of raw milk production, 7 months. 2022-2023, in physical terms, million tons
16.Geography of milk production in Ukraine, January-July 2023
17.Export volumes of dairy products from Ukraine, July-August 2023, in physical terms, tons
18.Volumes of sugar production in Ukraine in 2018-2022 and forecast for 2023, million tons

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