Analysis of the market for frozen semi-finished products in Ukraine. 2019

Analysis of the market for frozen semi-finished products in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2019 year
Number of pages: 50, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 39
Tables: 17
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
11600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the frozen semi-processed products market (meat and fish) in Ukraine for 9 months 2019
1.1. Analysis of Frozen Semi-processed Products (Meat and Fish) Market Development Trends: Market Description, Trends, Issues and Factors Influencing Market Development
1.2 Calculation of Frozen Semi-processed Products (Meat and Fish) Market Capacity in Ukraine during the First 3 quarters 2019, estimated in kind
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring
1.4. Raw material base in the frozen Semi-processed products market (trends, problems and factors of development)
2. Production and dynamics of sales in the frozen Semi-processed products market (meat and fish) in Ukraine - evaluation
2.1. Dynamics of products manufacturing in kind in 9 months 2019
2.2. Dynamics of products manufacturing in monetary terms for 9 months 2019 - an estimate by average producer prices
3. Frozen Semi-processed products market major operators (meat and fish) in Ukraine
3.1. List of major market operators and their description (manufacturers): list; contacts; assortment of products, TM
3.2. Structuring of operators (by segments, product groups, specialization, regionally)
3.3. Major Market Operators Market Share - Based on Enterprises' Financial Results in 2018
3.4. The degree of competition and risks in the frozen Semi-processed products market
4. Foreign trade in the market of frozen Semi-processed products (meat and fish) in Ukraine
4.1. Exports (volumes of exports in kind and in monetary terms, structure by types of Semi-processed products, export prices; geography of deliveries by countries, companies exporters and their shares) - quarterly dynamics
4.2. Imports (volumes of imports in kind and in monetary terms, structure by type of Semi-processed products, import prices; geography of deliveries by countries, importing companies, TM shares) - quarterly dynamics
5. Price and pricing in the market of frozen Semi-processed products (meat and fish) in Ukraine
5.1. Current average retail prices in the market by type of Semi-processed products - on request at the company or based on public data. Price dynamics
5.2. Description of factors affecting pricing
6. Consumers and their benefits (including online) - evaluation
6.1. Consumer Benefits of the Product, Consumer Portrait - Consumption Analysis by B2B and B2C Segments (Cabinet Research), Trademarks requests Analysis (Quantity, Competitors list)
6.2. Consumption structuring and segmentation - estimation
7. Sales channels (description and structure of sales by channels; advantages and disadvantages of sales channels)
8. Conclusions based on the cunducted research
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Market development forecast indicators
8.3. Recommendations for market development

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of raw materials production in kind in Ukraine in 2016-2018, tons
2. Major operators of the frozen Semi-processed products market in Ukraine
3. Structuring of Frozen Semi-processed Products market of Ukraine manufacturers by segments
4. Structuring of the frozen Semi-processed products market of Ukraine producers by product groups
5. Structuring of the frozen Semi-processed products market major operators by specialization
6. Structuring of Frozen Semi-processed Products Manufacturers by Regions where major Production Capacity Located
7. Frozen Semi-processed food production enterprises' shares in Ukraine in 2018, in monetary terms,%
8. Frozen Semi-processed food production enterprises' shares in Ukraine in 2018, in kind,%
9. Trademarks of Semi-processed fish products that were imported into Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019
10. Average current prices of linear retail for the studied types of frozen Semi-processed products, UAH / kg
11. Average monthly requests for various types of frozen Semi-processed products in January-October 2019
12. Average monthly number of different types of frozen Semi-processed products requests by trademarks in January-October 2019
13. Structuring of frozen Semi-processed products sales channels (direct / indirect)
14. Advantages and disadvantages of selling frozen Semi-processed products through trading networks
15. Advantages and disadvantages of selling frozen Semi-processed products in fast food restaurants
16. Advantages and disadvantages of the frozen Semi-processed products export
17. Advantages and disadvantages of selling frozen Semi-processed products through their own stores

List of graphs and charts:

1. Number of entities engaged in the supply of food and beverages in Ukraine in 2014-2017, units.
2. The capacity of the frozen Semi-processed products market in Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind, thousand tons
3. Structuring of the frozen Semi-processed products market in Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 by products origin, in kind,%
4. Structuring of the frozen Semi-processed products market in Ukraine by types of products in 1-3 quarters 2019, in kind,%
5. Structuring of meat Semi-processed products by types of products in 1-3 quarters 2019 in Ukraine, in kind,%
6. Structuring of fish Semi-processed products by types
7. Dynamics of productive livestock in Ukraine in 2010-2018, at the beginning of the year, million heads
8. Dynamics of frozen Semi-processed products production in Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind, thousand tons
9. Dynamics of frozen Semi-processed products production in Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, UAH million
10. Structuring of Semi-processed products commodity groups, by the number of major operators engaged in their production
11. Regional structure of frozen Semi-processed products market major operators in Ukraine by the location of operators capacity, %
12. Frozen Semi-processed products market Major operators Shares in Ukraine in 2018, in monetary terms,%
13. Frozen Semi-processed food production enterprises shares in Ukraine in 2018, in kind,%
14. Export of frozen Semi-processed fish products from Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind, tons
15. Export of frozen Semi-processed fish products from Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, thousand USD
16. Structure of frozen Semi-processed fish products export from Ukraine by types of products in 1-3 quarters 2019
17. Dynamics of made in Ukraine frozen Semi-processed fish products export prices during January-June 2019, USD / t.
18. Export of frozen Semi-processed meat products from Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind, tons
19. Export of frozen Semi-processed meat products from Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
20. Export structure of frozen meat products by types of Semi-processed products in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind,%
21. Export prices for Ukrainian frozen meat products, USD / kg
22. Geography of frozen Semi-processed meat products export from Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind,%
23. The major companies-exporters of frozen Semi-processed meat products in 1-2 quarters 2019 in kind,%
24. Import of frozen Semi-processed fish products into Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind, thousand tons
25. Import of frozen Semi-processed fish products into Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
26. Structure of products import to Ukraine by types of frozen fish Semi-processed products in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind,%
27. Dynamics of frozen Semi-processed fish products import prices, $ / kg
28. Geography of frozen Semi-processed fish products deliveries to Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 by countries, in kind,%
29. Geography of frozen Semi-processed fish products deliveries to Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 by suppliers, in kind,%
30. Import of frozen Semi-processed meat products to Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019 in kind, thousand tons
31. Import of frozen Semi-processed meat products to Ukraine in 1-3 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, thousand USD
32. Structure of imports by type of frozen Semi-processed meat products
33. Dynamics of frozen Semi-processed meat products import prices, $ / kg
34. Rating of frozen Semi-processed products (ravioli, dumplings, chops) among consumers in Ukraine for 2019
35. Frequency of frozen Semi-processed products consumption by Ukrainians,%
36. Percentage of ready-made Semi-processed products consumers by age categories
37. Sales structure of frozen Semi-processed products by sales channels, in kind,%
38. Forecasts indicators of the frozen Semi-processed products market in 2019-2021 in Ukraine, in kind, thousand tons
39. Options of the frozen Semi-processed products market forecast development in 2019-2022 in Ukraine, in kind, thousand tons

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