Market research report on optics market in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on optics market in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2024 year
Number of pages: 19, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 points
Graphs and charts: 27
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
32100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market Overview
1.1 Description of the general characteristics of products by types
1.2 Market volume in natural and monetary terms
1.3 Market volume by product groups: glasses, lenses, sunglasses
1.4 Dynamics of market capacity in 2021-2023 in natural and monetary terms
1.5 Description of trends and market development prospects
1.6 Description of factors affecting the market
2. Segmentation and Price Analysis of the Ukrainian Product Market
2.1 High segment
2.2 Medium segment
2.3 Low segment
2.4 Average customer check in each segment
3. Analysis of Production of Products
3.1 Description of Ukrainian manufacturers of glasses and lenses
3.2 Description by groups of manufactured goods
3.3 Market (production) volume by years
4. Analysis of Product Imports
4.1 Volume and dynamics of imports in natural expression
4.2 Volume and dynamics of imports in monetary terms
4.3 Structure of product imports by countries
4.4 Dynamics of import prices for glasses and lenses
5. Forecast of the Eyeglasses and Lenses Market Development, 2024-2025:
Based on the forecast of the economic situation in Ukraine and Euro monitoring data (examples of market development in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary)
6. Major Market Operators:
Assessment of sales structure by sales points in quantitative and monetary terms
7. Shadow Market Assessment:
General information on the market, assessment of the shadow sector by segments, number of sales points of major market operators
8. Analysis of Services of State Ophthalmological Centers for 2021-2023 and Forecast for 2024-2025
8.1 List of main operators
8.2 Prices for services and list of services
8.3 Number of services provided per year by state ophthalmological centers (assessment)
8.4 Market volume in monetary terms
8.5 Description of features
9. Analysis of Services of Private Ophthalmological Centers for 2021-2023 and Forecast for 2024-2025
9.1 List of main operators
9.2 List of services and prices
9.3 Number of services provided per year by private ophthalmological centers (assessment)
9.4 Market volume based on the average price of commercial clinics (assessment)
9.5 Description of features

List of Tables:

1. Segmentation of the optical market volumes in Ukraine by product groups for 2021-2023, in natural expression, million pieces, %
2. Segmentation of the optical market volumes in Ukraine by price segments for 2023 in value terms, %
3. Dynamics of optical production in Ukraine for 2021-2023, in natural expression, thousand pieces
4. Dynamics of optical production in Ukraine for 2021-2023, in value terms, million UAH
5. Dynamics of optical imports to Ukraine for 2021-2023, in natural expression, thousand pieces
6. Dynamics of optical imports to Ukraine for 2021-2023, in value terms, million UAH
7. Dynamics of import prices for sunglasses in Ukraine, 2021-2023, in value terms, UAH
8. Dynamics of import prices for prescription glasses in Ukraine, 2021-2023, in value terms, UAH
9. Dynamics of import prices for contact lenses in Ukraine, 2021-2023, in value terms, UAH
10. Dynamics of optical market capacity in Ukraine for 2021-2023 and forecast for 2024-2025, million UAH
11. Forecasts of optical market capacity in Poland for 2021-2025 in value terms, million USD
12. Forecasts of optical market capacity in the Czech Republic for 2021-2025 in value terms, million USD
13. Forecasts of optical market capacity in Hungary for 2021-2025 in value terms, million USD
14. Geographic representation of major optical market operators by regions of Ukraine, 2022, number of sales points
15. Dynamics of the number of ophthalmology departments (clinics) in Ukraine, 2016-2022, units, %

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volume of the official optical market in Ukraine for 2021-2023, in natural and value expressions, million pieces, million UAH without VAT and trade markups
2. Market capacity of optical products in Ukraine for 2021-2023 by individual product groups, in natural expression, million pieces
3. Market capacity of optical products in Ukraine for 2021-2023 by individual product groups, in value expression, million UAH
4. Dynamics of market capacity of optics in Ukraine for 2021-2023 in natural expression, thousand pieces
5. Dynamics of market capacity of optics in Ukraine for 2021-2023 in value expression, million UAH
6. Volumes and shares of the optical market in Ukraine by price segments in 2023, in value expression, %
7. Major manufacturers of glasses and lenses in Ukraine
8. Dynamics of production of main categories of products in the optical market in Ukraine for 2021-2023, in natural expression, thousand pieces, %
9. Dynamics of production of main categories of products in the optical market in Ukraine for 2021-2023, in value expression, million UAH, %
10. Structure of product imports into Ukraine for 2021-2023, in natural expression, %
11. Major distributors of the optical market
12. Shares of major operators in the optical market in Ukraine, %
13. Geographical representation of sales points of major operators in the optical market by regions of Ukraine, 2022 (Part 1)
14. Geographical representation of sales points of major operators in the optical market by regions of Ukraine, 2022 (Part 2)
15. Major state ophthalmological centers in Ukraine
16. List of paid services and prices as of January 2024, UAH with VAT
17. List of main services of Visiobud company
18. List of main services of "Novyi zir" company
19. List of main services of "Center of Clinical Ophthalmology" company
20. List of main services of "Aylaz" company
21. List of main services of "Eximer" company
22. List of main services of "OCHI CLINIC" company
23. List of main services of "Vizium" company
24. List of main services of "British Ophthalmological Center" company
25. List of main services of "German Eye Clinic" company
26. List of main services of "Luxoptika" company
27. List of services and price range of main market operators, January 2024, UAH with VAT

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