Business plan of sturgeon farm management

Business plan of sturgeon farm management
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: January 2018 year
Number of pages: 121 pages, including 14 applications, 23 tables, 21 figures (document prepared in Russian)
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: digital Word + financial model in Excel
20999 UAH
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The concept of the project:

Sturgeon breeding and caviar production in artificial environment just starts to develop in Ukraine. Small number of market operators is not able to cover even internal market at the present time. Main problem of black caviar market is domination of black sector because about 90% of represented products are smuggled (produced from sturgeons processed after a long period of time after killing) or falsified (coloured or pure caviar of any fish which is less expensive or the products of unknown composition similar in appearance to the caviar). Sturgeon fish market is filled in Ukraine for only 30%. Due to the strict legal prohibition to catch sturgeons in Azov sea and all neighbouring pools only fish bred in artificial pools or fish ponds may be legal. Sturgeons and accompanying products, mainly black caviar, are pretty expensive and featured by high demand. That’s why official taking of this share of fish market may be promising and profitable business for entrepreneurs. Product sturgeon breeding, production of sturgeons to get products of these valuable fish species is an option to legalize their distribution and sale, to satisfy high demand for valuable and tasty products.

Project implementation consists of establishment of sturgeon breeding farm (for breeding mainly of sturgeon and sterlet) of capacity of 2 tons of black caviar and 10 tons of sturgeon flesh per year with use of closed circuits (so-called closed water supply plants, CWSP), located near the wells with water which is suitable for the fish. CWSP technology ensures significant acceleration of fish growing process (in normal conditions investment for fish growing till the start of caviar production is required during 10 – 12 years). Produced black caviar will be of the same quality as caviar received from fish bred in natural conditions.

Regional location of the farm is the region of Kyiv (planned object is not connected with any certain location). Required area of land lot is 20 hundred sq m. Construction of industrial building of total area of 1 752 sq m is planned on the land lot. It is planned to implement the project with use of European equipment. Sturgeon farm capacities consist of two independent CWSP: the first CWSP for artificial sturgeon growing, of annual capacity of 10 tons; and second CWSP for artificial growing and maintenance of brood stock of sterlet of 15 tons of weight and annual capacity of 2 tons of black caviar. Caviar production will be performed by draining which allows not to kill fish in order to get caviar (this technology is also called as intravital caviar production). In process of brood stock growing in the pools males and females are separated. This procedure together with regular rejection of poorly growing fish is an additional source of such product as fresh and valuable fish.

In process of project development information about Ukrainian market of sturgeon fish and black caviar was analyzed. The results received evidence that such commercial activity is rather promising, these results make it possible to outline directions, options and prospects for its further development.

Business plan also contains detailed description of manufacturing process, equipment required for project implementation, organizational and technical aspects of this project, procedure and mechanism of receipt of necessary permits and documents; in addition, the project contains personnel schedule, risk estimation and SWOT analysis performed for the planned business. 

Project contains calculation of investments required, schedule and directions of capital investments. Financial model of the project includes forecasted sales volume, statement of profit and loss, capital flow statement, forecasted balance sheet. Business plan development provided for calculation of breakeven point, main indexes of profitability and investment attractiveness of the project, particularly: discounted payback period, internal profitability rate, return on investments, sales and performance.




1.1.1. The goals and strategies of the Project
1.1.2. Objectives of the Project
1.1.3. Sources of funding of the project. Direction of investment 
1.1.4. Network schedule for implementation and financing of the project
1.2.1. Location of a new project, the circuit area
1.2.2. Description of production process and products of the project 
1.2.3. Characteristics of equipment for the project
1.2.4. Personnel policy of
1.2.5. Licensing documentation
1.3.1. Overall target market performance
1.3.2. Dynamics of development of sturgeons and black caviar market. Main market trends.
1.3.3. Competitive environment on the market of sturgeons and black caviar of Ukraine.
1.3.4. Prospects for development of sturgeons and black caviar market in Ukraine.
1.4.1. Prerequisites for computing and reasoning
1.4.2. The sales forecast for the project
1.4.2. Formation of the profits of the project
1.4.3. Forecast cash flow of the project
1.4.4. Break-even production
1.4.5. Investment attractiveness of the project
1.5.1. Factor analysis of project risks
1.5.2. Risk reduction strategies
1.6. SWOT-analysis


Appendix 1. Aggregates for Project

Appendix 2. Project Settings
Appendix 3. Sources of financing and the total cost of the Project
Appendix 4. Network Diagram of the Project
Appendix 5. Calculation of depreciation on the Project
Appendix 6. Staffing the Project
Appendix 7. Sales forecast plan
Appendix 8. Projected profit and loss statement for the Project
Appendix 9. Projected statement of cash flows
Appendix 10. The scheme operating costs for the Project
Appendix 11. Profitability Analysis of the Project
Appendix 12. Calculation of break-even point (and separately for each year of the project) 
Appendix 13. The calculation of the internal rate of return and performance measures for the project's net present value of the project, discounted payback period, profitability of investments, its profitability

List of Tables:

Table 1. Project Summary

Table 2. The parameters of the enterprise

Table 3. Taxation Project

Table 4. Destinations investment

Table 5. Production areas

Table 6. Specifications of CWSP for sturgeon growing for flesh production (annual capacity - 10 tons)

Table 7. Specifications of CWSP for sturgeon growing for caviar production (annual capacity - 2 tons)

Table 8. Pool specifications

Table 9.  Mechanical drum filter technical specification

Table 10. Biofilter technical specification

Table 11. Biofilter cell blocks technical specification

Table 12. Technical specification for biofilter plastic filling


Table 13. Oxygen generators technical specification

Table 14. Staffing Project

Table 15. Calculation of depreciation on the Project

Table 16. Scheme of income for the project

Table 17. Profit and Loss Statement for the Project

Table 18. Formation profit Project

Table 19. Efficiency Project

Table 20. Operating expenses for the project

Table 21. Break-even point 

Table 22. Break-even point 

Table 23. Performance Indicators


List of graphs and charts:

Figure 1. Investment targets

Figure 2. Financial schedule of the Project

Figure 3. Location of the Project

Figure 4. Closed water supply unit layout

Figure 5. Drum mechanical filter

Figure 6. Biofilter

Figure 7. Oxygen generator

Figure 8. Project organigram

Figure 9. Dynamics and forecast of global sturgeon production in 2006-2014, tons

Figure 10. Consumption of black caviar of Caspian production in states having no access to this basin

Figure 11. Total consumption by population of Ukraine of fish and fish products in 2013 distributed by regions, thsnd of tons

Figure 12. Volumes of fish and fish products consumption per capita in Ukraine in 2013 distributed by regions, kg 

Figure 13. Structure of delicious grades distributed by types, % 

Figure 14. Structure of sturgeon sales on the market of Ukraine, %

Figure 15. Sales structure of the project

Figure 16. Formation of the net profit on the project

Figure 17. Gross revenue and gross profit margin 

Figure 18. Dynamics of net income and return on sales 

Figure 19. The structure of the operating expenses

Figure 20. Internal Rate of Return 

Figure 21. The payback period of the project (from the beginning of the project)

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