Market research of biological products for plant protection. 2019

Market research of biological products for plant protection. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2019 year
Number of pages: 25, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian
11100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market trends in 2015-1 half 2019 (Development history, specifics, problems, factors of influence on the market)
1.2. Overall market indicators, market capacity calculation in 2015-2018 (Production + Import - Export) based on estimation
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (by types of drugs, selection of biological products market share in the PPP market)
2. Dynamics of production and sales of products in 2015-2018
2.1. Dynamics of products production, in kind in 2015-2018 (Segments estimation)
2.2. Dynamics of products sales in monetary terms in 2015-2018 (Evaluation)
3. Major market operators
3.1. Major market operators and their description (manufacturers and importers)
3.2. Major market operators Segmentation and structuring of (by products types, secondary activity)
3.3. Major Operators (Manufacturers and Importers) Market Shares
3.4. Degree of competition and risks
3.4.1. Analysis of competitors market shares
3.5. SWOT analysis of the TOP-2 biological products and inoculants market operators in Ukraine
4. Price and pricing in the market. Comparison of current prices for biologicals to prices for chemical PPPs
5. Consumption of products in the market. Peculiarities of PPP consumption in Ukraine. Amounts of payment by types (according to official statistics). Potential for displacement by biological products
6. Conclusions and recommendations. Forcast Market Development Indicators in 2019-2025
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1 Risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Varieties of plant protection biological products
2. Overall market indicators in 2015-2018 in Ukraine, in kind, tons
3. Description of biological products and bioinoculants major producers in Ukraine
4. Description of biological products and bioinoculants major importers in Ukraine
5. Segmentation of major market operators by product types
6. Major Market Operators Secondary Activities as of June 2018
7. Biological products manufacturers Market shares in Ukraine in 2018
8. SWOT analysis of BTU-Center
9. SWOT analysis of Enzym enterprise
10. Comparison of the average biological products and agrochemicals wholesale value of Ukrainian production at the moment (August 2019), UAH / kg, l
11. Comparison of the average required amount of biological products and agrochemicals per 1 are of sown area, grams
12. Volume of applied pesticides by types of crops in Ukraine in 2018, tons
13. Ranking of development risks in the biological products and bioinoculants plant protection market of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market Structure of Plant Protection Biological Products (Including Bioinoculants and Biodegraders) by Species in Ukraine in kind in 2018,%
2. The plant protection biological products share in the of PPP market in Ukraine in kind in 2018,%
3. Dynamics of plant protection biological products production (including bioinoculants and biodegraders) in kind in 2015-2018, t
4. Segmentation of plant protection biological products production (including bioinoculants and biodegraders) in kind by types in 2018,%
5. Dynamics of plant protection biological products of Ukrainian production implementation (including bioinoculants and biodegraders) in monetary terms in 2015-2018, million UAH.
6. Major manufacturers of biological products Market share in Ukraine in 2018,%
7. Major importers of biological products Market share in Ukraine in 2018,%
8. Areas where biological PPP were applied in Ukraine in 2018, by regions,%
9. Use of pesticides by types in Ukraine in 2018, in kind,%
10. Area where pesticides were applied for crops in 2018, by regions,%
11. Forecast of the plant protection biological products and bioinoculants market development in Ukraine in kind in 2019-2025, t

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