
Pro-Consulting analysts prepared a market research of alcohol industry of Ukraine

Alcohol products extremely are popular among Ukrainians. Alcohol consumption per capita in Ukraine is one of the highest in the world....


Greece will receive a new tranche of aid in November - Comments by Alexander Sokolov, Head  of the Analytical department of the company "Pro-Consulting". The newspaper "Kommersant"

Миссия Европейского союза, Международного валютного фонда и Европейского центрального банка завершила работу в Афинах, отметив, что Греция в целом достигла важного прогресса в...


There is shortage of imported new cars in Ukraine - comments by Alexander Sokolov, Head of Analytical department, "Pro-Consulting". TV UBR

В Україні зараз дефіцит імпортних нових авто середнього та дорогого сегментів. Експерти прогнозують: це призведе до подорожчання машин у середньому на півтора-два відсотки....


Phone surveys: ask questions to your customers

The results of business operating in the B2C segment are critically dependent on the attitude to the offered goods and services by consumer...


Phone surveys: we learn opinions quickly

Feedback from the target audience is important both for the client's business and for structures that interact with people in other areas of...


Strategic and Tactic Marketing Planning


Analysts at Pro-Consulting prepared a market research of natural cork in Ukraine

Market of natural cork in Ukraine shows almost annual growth, which in the first...


Cars after the New Year will rise in price sharply - Comments by Alexander Sokolov, head of the Analytical department of the company "Pro-Consulting". The publication ""

Украинские автодилеры в массовом порядке занялись пересмотром ценовой политики. Из-за постоянного роста курса евро продавцы вынуждены были "заморозить" цены на автомобили. Но после...


Stepping out of Comfort Zone. 10 “Unpleasant” Ways to Become More Successful

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