Market research of building materials (retail) in Ukraine. 2019

Market research of building materials (retail) in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 51, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 28
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
14100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Condition and prospects of the construction and repair market of Ukraine in 2016-9 months 2019
1.1. Analysis of construction and repair market trends in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months 2019 (Specificity, problems, factors of influence)
1.2. The major indicators of the construction industry and the real estate market. Volumes of capital construction and repair market in Ukraine in 2016-6 months 2019
1.3. Housing and construction of residential real estate in Ukraine
1.4. Construction of non-residential objects and commissioning of non-residential real estate in Ukraine
2. Analysis of building materials retail tradein Ukraine
2.1. Major trends in the building materials retail trade market in Ukraine in 2016-9 months 2019. (Specificity, problems, factors of influence)
2.2. Building materials wholesale and retail trade in Ukraine in 2017-6 months 2019, in monetary terms
3. Major market operators: network construction stores in Ukraine (up to TOP-10) (excluding DIY operators)
3.1. Major market operators and their description
3.2. Segmentation and structuring of major market operators (by segments, groups, specializations and regionally, by amount of stores). Selection of companies that have a full-fledged online store
3.3. Analysis of promotions, loyalty and bonus programs by major operators
3.4. Analysis of delivery conditions and self-removal of goods
3.5. Major market operators shares (according to 2018 financial statements). Major operators' Financial indicators: revenue, profitability, margin in 2016-2018
3.6. Competition and risks Degree
4. Price and pricing in the market
4.1. Main operators' pricing policy Features (according to the construction online stores data) - price segments, price range in segments presented
4.2. Description of affecting pricing factors
5. Products consumption in the market
5.1. Consumption in the online segment. Consumer preferences to building materials (queries analysis by building materials major groups based on Google AdWords), consumer portrait
5.2. Geographic coverage of Ukraine by DIY operators for understanding the degree of consumption satisfaction
5.3. Analysis of Ukrainian regions in terms of demand for building materials
5.3.1 Construction of non-residential buildings and commissioning of non-residential real estate in Ukraine
5.3.2 Amount of real estate agreements by regions of Ukraine in 2018
6. Conclusions and recommendations. Forcast Indicators of Market development in 2019-2021
6.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of market development
6.2. Prospects for the development of building materials retail trade in Ukraine
6.3. Recommendations for market entry based on the research
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. SWOT - market orientation analysis
7.2. PEST - market orientation analysis
7.3. Market entry Risks and barriers
7.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Index of construction works in Ukraine for 2016 - 1 half 2019. (Till the corresponding period of the previous year),%
2. The volume of construction works in Ukraine by major types, for the first 3 quarters of 2019, mln. UAH
3. The volume of completed construction works (residential objects) in Ukraine for 2016 - 9 months 2019, mln.UAH
4. Structure of residential objects in Ukraine, as of the beginning of construction, total area, for 2017 - 1 half 2019, m2
5. The volume of completed construction works (non-residential objects) in Ukraine for 2016 - 9 months 2019, mln.UAH
6. Commissioned Non-residential objects in Ukraine, by the total area, for 2017 - 1 half 2019, m2
7. Building materials wholesale turnover in Ukraine 2017 - 6 months 2019, in monetary terms
8. Building materials retail turnover in Ukraine in 2017-6 months 2019, in monetary terms
9. The major network building stores in Ukraine (excluding DIY operators)
10. Segmentation of major network construction stores by specialty (excluding DIY operators)
11. Regional representation of major network construction stores in the frame of regions of Ukraine (excluding DIY operators)
12. Selection of companies with a full-fledged online store
13. Major operators' promotional offers, loyalty and bonus programs Analysis
14. Delivery terms and payment for goods methods Analysis
15. Financial indicators of the major network construction stores in Ukraine for 2016, thousand UAH.
16. Financial indicators of the major network construction shops in Ukraine for 2017, thousand UAH.
17. Financial indicators of the major network construction stores in Ukraine for 2018, thousand UAH.
18. Sales volume and market share of the Major competitors in the building materials (retail) market, 2018
19. Pricing policy of major network construction stores in the frame of construction segments (excluding DIY operators)
20. Major demanding product groups based on monthly average internet searches via Google AdWords
21. Geographical coverage of the main DIY operators in the building materials market of Ukraine
22. Commissioned non-residential buildings in Ukraine, by total area, for 2018, in the frame of regions, thousand m2
23. Amount of real estate agreements by regions of Ukraine for 2018
24. Multifactor model of forecast development indicators of building materials retail trade in Ukraine, for 2019 - 2021,%
25. SWOT-analysis of the building materials market in Ukraine
26. PEST-analysis of the building materials market in Ukraine
27. Market risk segmentation
28. Risks map of building materials (retail) market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of non-residential buildings commissioned for 2018 (total area),%
2. The structure of infrastructure construction in Ukraine for 2018 - 6 m. 2019, in monetary terms,%
3. Dynamics of the state road fund expenditures in 2016 - 2019, billion UAH.
4. Structure of non-residential objects in Ukraine, as of the beginning of construction, total area, for 2018, m2
5. Regional representation of major network construction stores in Ukraine (excluding DIY operators)
6. Major network building stores in Ukraine market shares, in 2018, in monetary terms
7. Structure of major product groups based on monthly average internet searches via Google AdWords
8. Geographical coverage of major DIY operators (Epicenter, New Line, Leroy Merlin and Oldie) in the building materials market of Ukraine
9. Structure of commissioned non-residential objects in Ukraine, by total area, for 2018, by regions, thousand m2
10. Structure of real estate transactions by types of contracts, by region of the country
11. Forecast indicators of building materials retail trade development in Ukraine for 2019 - 2021 in monetary terms, UAH.

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