Market research report on stock and used clothing and footwear market in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on stock and used clothing and footwear market in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2024 year
Number of pages: 56, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 12
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
34200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the clothing and footwear market in Ukraine in 2021 - 1 part. 2024 years
1.1. Analysis of trends in market development in Ukraine (main trends, market features, problems and factors affecting the market, selection of trends in stock and second-hand clothing and footwear)
1.2. Plans of well-known global clothing brands to enter the Ukrainian market (based on data from open sources) and expansion plans of existing operators (based on company press releases and expansions starting after 2022, etc., as well as the commercial real estate market)
1.3. Main market indicators
1.3.1. The total capacity of the clothing and footwear market (dynamics of sales volumes in monetary terms by type, article). Rating
1.3.2. Estimation of the market capacity of used clothes and shoes (based on imports)
2. Analysis of clothing and footwear imports to Ukraine in 2021 – 1st half. 2024 years
2.1. Dynamics of import volumes by product groups, selection of product groups that demonstrate the largest increase in import volumes in monetary terms
2.2. The main imported brands of clothing and footwear to Ukraine: TOP 10 brands in the structure of the entire volume of imports of the studied goods (list and their shares)
3. Main market operators
3.1. Networks of clothing and footwear outlets/department stores; Chains of used clothing and footwear stores. List of the main market operators and their structuring
3.2. Degree of competition and risks
4. Consumer preferences for clothing and footwear brands
4.1. Analysis of changes in the rating of clothing and footwear brands in Ukraine in 2018-2023 (based on data from open sources) in section
- women's clothing and footwear store
- men's clothing and footwear stores
- youth clothing and footwear store
- a store of sports clothes and shoes
4.2. Demand for the type of clothing (pants, T-shirts, shirts, jeans, etc.) and gender of clothing in Ukraine (estimated based on queries on the Internet via Google AdWords)
5. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
5.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
5.2. Recommendations for market development
5.2.1. Recommendations for the fastest growing clothing and footwear segment
5.2.2. Recommendations for market development in view of the network's expansion into new regions
5.3. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2024-2026.
5.4. Existing risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Reasons for deliberately limiting Ukrainians' online activity, as of July 2024, %.
2. Reasons for avoiding advertising by Ukrainians, as of July 2024, %.
3. Reasons for distancing Ukrainians from the news, as of July 2024, % 4.
4. Rating of women's clothing and footwear brands according to consumer surveys in 2018-2023, points* 5.
5. The average number of searches for “second-hand store” on Google in 2021-2024.
6. Rating of men's clothing and footwear brands according to consumer surveys in 2018-2023, points
7. Rating of youth clothing and footwear brands according to consumer surveys in 2018-2023, points
8. Rating of sportswear and footwear brands according to consumer surveys in 2018-2023, points
9. Demand for clothing by gender in Ukraine in 2021-2023 (average popularity - requests per month)
10. Geography of requests based on the basic query “buy clothes” in 2023
11. Demand for clothing by type and gender in Ukraine in 2023 (by the average number of requests per month)
12. Forecasted capacity of the clothing market in Ukraine in 2024-2027, in monetary terms, UAH billion

List of graphs and charts:

1. The size of the clothing market in Ukraine (including second-hand) with the share of second-hand, in monetary terms, UAH billion
2. Segmentation of the market of stock and used clothing and footwear in Ukraine
3. Problems and factors of influence on the market of second-hand and used clothing and footwear in Ukraine
4. The volume of the world clothing market with the share of second-hand, in monetary terms, $ million
5. Inditex stores that have returned to Ukraine, 2024
6. Capacity of the clothing and footwear market in Ukraine in 2020-6 months. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion
7. Dynamics of clothing sales by product groups and gender in Ukraine in 2020-6 months. 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million (estimate)
8. Dynamics of footwear sales by product groups in Ukraine in 2020-6 months. 2024, by product group
9. in monetary terms, UAH million (estimate)
10. Market capacity of used clothing and footwear in Ukraine in 2019-6 months. 2024, in monetary terms (UAH million) and in physical terms (thousand tons)
11. TOP-10 importers of used clothing and footwear to Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms (UAH million) and in physical terms (thousand tons)
12. Dynamics of import volumes of clothing (product groups 61 and 62) in terms of product groups to Ukraine in
13. 2020-6 months. 2024 in monetary terms, share of the total volume, %.
14. Dynamics of imports of footwear (product group 64) by product group to Ukraine in
15. 2020 - 6 months. 2024, in monetary terms, share of the total volume, %.
16. Shares of TOP-10 imported clothing brands in the structure of total imports of the studied product groups in 2023, in monetary terms, %.
17. The main parameters for assessing the competitive environment in the market according to M. Porter's methodology
18. PEST LE - analysis of the clothing market, including used clothing in Ukraine
19. Market risk map

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