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Market research report on natural gas in Ukraine. 2019-2023

Market research report on natural gas in Ukraine. 2019-2023
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 31, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 8
Payment method: non-cash or cash payment, prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
29500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Characterization of the situation in the Ukrainian natural gas market in 2019-2023: general description of the industry, key indicators, challenges and risks, other material facts. Available capacities and their forecast dynamics
2. Balance of the Ukrainian market - production, consumption, export and import commodity flows (by country of destination). Permanent and situational factors of influence, their manifestation during 2019-2023.
3. Principles of trade in the market: wholesale and retail segments, assessment of the hidden/shadow share of volumes, volumes of the "free" market and intra-group supplies, distribution between regulated and over-the-counter trade, average lot size
4. Groups of players (producers, consumers, traders), their description and characteristics, volumes. Key companies in each group, their market share, if available.
5. Price dynamics in the global and domestic markets, principles and mechanisms of pricing. Influencing factors and their importance.
6. Existence of domestic and export restrictions (including administrative, regulatory or actual). Features and main risks in the segment
7. Conclusions and expectations for the industry in the horizon of 2024-2025 (trends, changes, key events that will have an impact).

List of Tables:

1. Underground gas storage facilities in Ukraine, 2023
2. Trading results in the short-term natural gas market of Ukraine (Within-Day), January-November 2023
3. Main traders of natural gas in Ukraine
4. Shares of natural gas traders in Ukraine and UEEX in terms of total revenues in 2021-2022, %.
5. The main producers of natural gas in Ukraine
6. Ukrainian gas suppliers for households and their prices in November 2023 per cubic meter
7. Ukrainian gas suppliers for households and their prices in November 2023 per cubic meter
8. Dynamics of average natural gas prices on gas exchanges in 2019-2023, USD, EUR and UAH

List of graphs and charts:

1. Gas production cycle in Ukraine, 2023
2. Natural gas production in Ukraine, 2019-2023, billion m3 and million tons
3. Natural gas production in Ukraine by state and private companies, 2019-2022, bcm
4. Natural gas reserves in Ukrainian UGS facilities, 2019-2022, bcm
5. Geography of natural gas imports to Ukraine in 2019-8 months. 2023 in physical terms, %.
6. Gas reserves in the "customs warehouse" of Ukrainian UGS facilities, 2021-10 months. 2023, bcm
7. Geography of natural gas re-exports from Ukraine in 2019-7 months. 2023, in physical terms, %.
8. Structure of the main gas subsidiaries of Naftogaz
9. Share of natural gas producers in terms of production volumes in Ukraine in volume terms, 2021-2022, %.
10. Natural gas consumption in Ukraine in 2019-6 months of 2022, bcm
11. Wholesale price of natural gas, regulated and unregulated (segment), UAH/thousand m3 (excluding VAT), 2022 - Q2 2023

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