Baby diaper market analysis in Ukraine. 2020 year

Baby diaper market analysis in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2020 year
Number of pages: 26, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 9
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
23200 UAH
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Summary of the market analysis:

Pro-Consulting conducted a market research of baby diapers in Ukraine.
The main strengths of baby diaper brands, which represent a potential growth lever, are similar between brands. Conventionally, they can be divided into internal and external.
Clarity. Clarity is internally about what the brand stands for in terms of its values, positioning and proposition. Clarity is also about target audiences, customer insights and drivers.
External Factors:
Authenticity. The brand is soundly based on an internal capability. It has a defined story and a wellgrounded value set. It can deliver against the (high) expectations that customers have of it.
Presence. The degree to which a brand feels omnipresent and is talked about positively by consumers, customers and opinion formers in both traditional and social media.
Aspects of the brand expression:
Brand emotion. An emotion associated with a brand is a perfect way to define the experience aim to be created for the consumer in all platforms. This works very effectively on authenticity of brands. Cute images make it clear that diaper manufacturers take care of costumers’ babies.
Brand vision. Brandmark, Photography, Color create a solid design system. These steps defining the core brand expression assets, as in Huggies and Pampers, which associated with carelessness, infancy and sweet moments in life.
Detailed artistry. In seeking elevating the brand expression execution it is necessary to ensure all small details were accounted. Defining the brand’s style mean to accurately define and take care of every details on images, expression of emotions, etc., which represent creative transformation to convey brand emotions.
Brand guidelines. All aspects of brand expression, from brand-mark usage, packaging, product, licensing to animation and photography principles must be consistent with one idea.
Companies has been developing products which support the happy healthy development of babies to ensure their unique needs are supported (Table 5.1). As a result, powerful brands, like Huggies and Pampers, offer support during customer lifetime, accompanying consumers during this period, which are a vehicle of their success.
Analysis of the market of baby diapers in Ukraine showed that it is possible to get an investment loan for starting a business. A key element of the strategy of banks in Ukraine is traditionally serving business customers. The core business activity of banks, where in the structure of loans by type, corporate loans as of 2019 is for 66.9%, or 8654 billion hryvnia of the total lending structure in Ukraine. Corporate loans declined in cash by 20.4% in comparing with 2018 year, but corporate clients also remained strategically important customers of the banking lending system. For this reason, in Ukraine is a variety of offers banking products.


Detailed contents:

1. Annual market sales figures in 2017-2019 (volume and price)
2. Market segmentation (by type, size)
3. Targeted segment strategy (based on the chosen target segment) – basic strategy introduction by 4p, full strategic plan may be provided as a next step
4. Main competitors in the market, and in the targeted segment
5. Customer’s buying models
6. Ukraine imports countries
7. SWOT of the market
8. Information about availability of raw material in local market
9. Tax and tax exemptions: what are the criteria? Are there any tax exemptions based on location of the business?
10. Are there any industrial parks? If yes, what are the advantages and compromises operating in an industrial park? Are those advantages and compromises subject to the location of an industrial park?
11. Duties of operations in an industrial park
12. Is there a possibility to get an investment credit from a local Bank? If yes, what is the annual percentage rate?
13. Is there any governmental organisation which provides credits for manufacturing industries? (existing support programs)

List of Tables:

1. 4P marketing mix for diapers
2. The main operators of the baby diaper market in Ukraine
3. Supporting the unique needs of children for their age by example Huggies and Pampers
4. Number of diapers used by age
5. General SWOT analysis in the Ukrainian diaper market
6. The main operators in the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products
7. Information about industrial parks created in Ukraine as of 01.05.2020
8. The structure of industrial parks by region
9. Prerequisites for the development of industrial parks in Ukraine
10. TOP 10 banks of Ukraine in 2019

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structuring diapers for the weight of the child, %
2. The share of pull up diapers/regular diapers in the structure of diapers in 2019,%
3. Structure of the TOP-10 brands of diapers in 2019,%
4. Geography of imports of diapers by country in 2017-2019
5. Dynamics of production of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2017-2019, volume and value
6. Shares of the main operators (manufacturers and importers) in the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in Ukraine in 2018, volume, %
7. Number of new registered industrial parks after the adoption of the law "On industrial parks" in 2014-1Q/2020
8. Structure of loans granted to customers in 2017-2019 years, %
9. Dynamics of interest rates on loans (for new businesses) and average monthly discount rate in 2019 year, %

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