Market research report on block construction market analysis. 2021 year

Market research report on block construction market analysis. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2021 year
Number of pages: 51, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 29
Tables: 17
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
25200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the market of block construction, main characteristics, advantages, disadvantages in comparison with competitive segments (panel, monolithic-frame). (introductory section)
1.2. Analysis of development trends of the construction market in Ukraine in 2018-2020
· Key events in the industry
· Factors influencing the market
· Problems of development of the construction market of Ukraine
· Plans and trends in the change of state regulation, plans for the renovation of outdated residential buildings ("Khrushchevs")
· Trends in housing classes (economy and comfort)
· Development trends by region
· Analysis of development trends in block construction in other countries, including Russia
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of the capacity of the construction market in Ukraine in 2018-2020, allocation by types of construction.
1.3.1. Volume of completed construction works
1.3.2. Area of housing put into operation
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring
· By species
· Price segment
· By regions
· Allocation of commissioned social housing
2. Main market operators (developers, TOP-10)
2.1. A list of the main market operators and their description by construction type and price segment
· Company description
· Property
· Financial indicators
· Representation in the regions
· Price segments
· Key projects commissioned in 2018-2020 (number of apartments, class, location, wall material, prices)
· Presence of large non-residential objects
2.2. Market shares of the main market operators by types
· According to financial indicators
· By area
3. Pricing on the housing market in Ukraine
3.1. Average current prices in new buildings in regional centers of Ukraine depending on type, class, number of rooms, district
3.2. Description of factors affecting price formation
3.3. Forecast of housing prices in Ukraine according to 3 scenarios
4. Consumers and their preferences (including online)
4.1. Advantages of consumers regarding the purchase of housing, consumer portrait (cabinet method), regarding the price segment and type of housing, advantages of new buildings/old housing stock
4.2. Analysis of searches for the purchase of housing in 2018-2020.
4.3. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of legislation and features of social housing construction in Ukraine
4.4. Analysis of state tender purchases for housing construction (volumes, structure by region, organizers and participants)
4.5. Analysis of promotion channels of the largest developers
4.6. Analysis of housing purchase methods (mortgage/installment/purchase with one payment), structure and forecast
5. Conclusions. Predictive indicators
5.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of development of the construction market as a whole. Highlighting trends related to the potential of block construction
5.2. Construction of market development hypotheses for block construction
5. Conclusions. Predictive indicators
5.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of development of the construction market as a whole. Highlighting trends related to the potential of block construction
5.2. Construction of market development hypotheses for block construction
5.2.4. Forecast of prices for block houses and behavior of competitors in adjacent segments
5.3. Recommendations for entering the Ukrainian market.
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1. PESTLE analysis of factors affecting the market
6.2. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1.1.1. Comparative characteristics of the main construction technologies
1.2.1. Analysis of changes in state regulation of renovation of outdated residential buildings.
1.4.1. Price segments of the residential construction market
3.1.1. Average current prices in new buildings in regional centers in general and depending on the class of new buildings, UAH / m²
3.1.2. Average current prices in new buildings in regional centers depending on the number of rooms, UAH / m²
4.3.1. Minimum norms of the area of social and affordable housing
4.4.1. Volumes of state tender purchases for 2020, hryvnias
4.6.1. Structural differences between mortgage and installment
6.1.1. PESTLE analysis of factors affecting the market
6.2.1. Segmentation of market risks
6.2.2. Risk map for the block construction market in Kyiv

List of graphs and charts:

1.2.1. The number of "economy", "comfort", "business", "elite" residential apartments in Kyiv, Kyiv region and million-dollar cities
1.2.2. Leaders among regions in terms of the number of apartments commissioned in 2020 Volume of completed construction works, 2018-2020, billion UAH Volume of completed construction works by type of buildings and structures, 2018-2020, billion UAH Housing area at the start of construction, 2018-2020, thousand m² Housing area put into operation, 2018-2020, thousand m²
1.4.1. Structure of the residential construction market by type, 2018-2020,%
1.4.2. The price structure of the residential construction market in Ukraine by the number of housing units for sale,%
1.4.3. The structure of the residential construction market by region, 2018-2020, UAH million
1.4.4. Performance indicators of the State socio-economic program "Affordable housing"
2.2.1. Market shares of the main operators of the residential construction market by financial indicators,%
2.2.2. Market shares of the main operators of the housing construction market (integrated indicator),%
2.2.3. Market shares of the main operators of the residential construction market by area,%
3.1.1. Average current prices in new buildings in Kyiv depending on the district, UAH / m²
3.1.2. Average current prices in new buildings in Kharkiv, depending on the district, UAH / m²
3.1.3. Average current prices in new buildings in Lviv, depending on the district, UAH / m²
3.1.4. Average current prices in new buildings in Odessa, depending on the district, UAH / m²
3.3.1. Forecast price per square meter in Ukraine under a realistic scenario, 2021-2024.
3.3.2. Forecast price per square meter in Ukraine under an optimistic scenario, 2021-2024.
3.3.3. Forecast price per square meter in Ukraine under a pessimistic scenario, 2021-2024.
4.2.1. The dynamics of searches for the purchase of housing in 2018
4.2.3. The dynamics of searches for the purchase of housing in 2018
4.4.2. The structure of organizers of public tender purchases,%
4.4.3. The structure of participants in public tender purchases,%
4.4.4. Regional structure of organizers of public tender purchases,% Real capacity of the residential construction market in 2020,% Potential capacity of the residential construction market Potential volume of completed construction works in the economy and comfort segment in 2021-2025. Forecast of the potential volume of block construction in Kyiv and Kyiv region Price forecast for block houses (compared to prices for other types of houses)

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