Market research report on alternative diesel fuel in Ukraine and Europe. 2024 year

Market research report on alternative diesel fuel in Ukraine and Europe. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2024 year
Number of pages: 33, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 3
Tables: 45
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
39800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (products included in the standard, their classification)
1.2. Key trends in the market
1.3. General market indicators for each country
- Volume of consumption of alternative diesel fuel
- Volume of production of alternative diesel fuel
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the market as a whole
- By biofuel concentration
- By origin (share of domestic production)
2 The largest manufacturers and traders
2.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring
- legal information, country of production, other activities and specialization
- types of fuel and raw materials
- representation in countries
3. Foreign trade in the market
3.1. Import of raw materials for biodiesel by countries (oil)
3.2. Analysis of import and export of biodiesel by country, geography of supply
4. Dynamics of prices for biodiesel of different brands
5. Market consumption analysis
5.1. The main industries are consumers of biodiesel
5.2. The largest consumer companies by major countries
6. Conclusions and forecast indicators of market development
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry. Analysis of market threats and opportunities for building a SWOT analysis

List of Tables:

1. The volume of consumption of alternative diesel fuel by country, 2019-2023, in monetary terms, million $
2. The volume of consumption of alternative diesel fuel by country, 2019-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons.
3. Volume of production of alternative diesel fuel by country, 2019-2023, in monetary terms, million $
4. Production volume of alternative diesel fuel by country, 2019-2023, in monetary terms, thousand tons.
5. Mandates for biodiesel in the studied countries, % in the volume of diesel
6. Segmentation of the alternative diesel fuel market in the EU market by origin, in monetary terms, billion $
7. Ratio of produced to consumed biodiesel in Europe (definition of net importers of biodiesel) in 2023
8. Ukrainian enterprises involved in the production of equipment and closed biodiesel production plants
9. Fuel of the main operators of the European market
10. Fuel of the main operators of the Ukrainian market
11. Representation of companies in the studied countries (number of offices)
12. Import of raw materials for biodiesel (rapeseed) by the studied countries in 2019-2023, in monetary terms, million $
13. Import of raw materials for biodiesel (rapeseed) by the studied countries in 2019-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons.
14. Total import of biodiesel by country in 2019-2023, in monetary terms, million $
15. Total import of biodiesel by country in 2019-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons.
16. Total export of biodiesel by country in 2019-2023, in monetary terms, $ million
17. Total export of biodiesel by country in 2019-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons.
18. Import of biodiesel to France by country, in monetary terms, million $
19. Export of biodiesel from France by country, in monetary terms, million $
20. Import of biodiesel to Great Britain by country, in monetary terms, million $
21. Export of biodiesel from Great Britain by country, in monetary terms, million $
22. Import of biodiesel to Italy by country, in monetary terms, $ million
23. Export of biodiesel from Italy by country, in monetary terms, million $
24. Import of biodiesel to Sweden by country, in monetary terms, million $
25. Export of biodiesel from Sweden by country, in monetary terms, million $
26. Import of biodiesel to Norway by country, in monetary terms, million $
27. Export of biodiesel from Norway by country, in monetary terms, million $
28. Import of biodiesel to Romania by country, in monetary terms, million $
29. Export of biodiesel from Romania by country, in monetary terms, million $
30. Import of biodiesel to Switzerland by country, in monetary terms, $ million
31. Export of biodiesel from Switzerland by country, in monetary terms, million $
32. Import of biodiesel to Poland by country, in monetary terms, million $
33. Export of biodiesel from Poland by country, in monetary terms, million $
34. Import of biodiesel to Slovenia by country, in monetary terms, million $
35. Export of biodiesel from Slovenia by country, in monetary terms, million $
36. Import of biodiesel to Ireland by country, in monetary terms, million $
37. Export of biodiesel from Ireland by country, in monetary terms, million $
38. Import of biodiesel to the Czech Republic by country, in monetary terms, million $
39. Export of biodiesel from the Czech Republic by country, in monetary terms, million $
40. Import of biodiesel to Hungary by country, in monetary terms, $ million
41. Export of biodiesel from Hungary by country, in monetary terms, million $
42. Import of biodiesel to Belgium by country, in monetary terms, million $
43. Export of biodiesel from Belgium by country, in monetary terms, million $
44. The largest biodiesel consumer companies by major countries
45. Threats and opportunities for the Ukrainian producer when entering the biodiesel market in Ukraine and European countries

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of prices for biodiesel of various brands on European markets on a monthly basis, 2019-2023 $/ton.
2. Forecast prices for biodiesel (FAME) in Europe 2024-2030 $/ton.
3. Forecast capacity of the alternative diesel fuel market in Europe in 2024-2030, in monetary terms, billion $

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