Detailed contents:
1. The main parameters of the market
2. Production
3. Market Structure
4. Major operators
5. Prices
6. Market forecast
List of Tables:
1. Major indicators of the cement market in Ukraine in 2008-2012, in real terms, tons
List of graphs and charts:
1. Capacity of cement market in 2008-2012 in million tons
2. Export of cement in 2008-2012, in real (million tonnes) and money (millions of USD) terms
3. Import of cement in 2008-2012, in real (million tonnes) and money (millions of USD) terms
4. Production of cement in 2008-2012 in million tons
5. Structure of production of cement in 2007-2011 in million tons
6. Market shares of producers of cement in real terms
7. The structure of the cement market in oblasts of Ukraine, in real terms,%
8. Imports of cement in Ukraine in monetary terms in 2012,%
9. Exports of cement from Ukraine in money terms in 2012,%
10. The structure of cement imports to Ukraine by companies in monetary terms in 2012,%
11. The price index for cement in 2007-2011, Ukraine,%
12. Forecast of the cement market in Ukraine, 2012-2016, mln. t