Detailed contents:
1. Capacity of the market and its trends
2. Production trends
3. Foreign economic activity
4. Market structure carton
5. The main market operators
6. Consumption of products
7. Forward-looking indicators of the market
List of graphs and charts:
1. The market capacity of corrugated cardboard in 2007-11 months. 2012., mln. m
2. The volume of production of corrugated cardboard in 2007-11 months. 2012. in real terms, mln. m
3. Regional structure of export of corrugated cardboard in the first 11 months. 2012 in real and money terms,%
4. Regional pattern of import of corrugated cardboard in the first 11 months. 2012 in real and money terms,%
5. Structure of the market of packaging and packaging materials that are consumed in the domestic market by type of material as of 2012,% (natural expression tons)
6. The market structure of corrugated cardboard in the context of the origin of products in the first 11 months. 2012 in real terms,%
7. Geographic structure of production of corrugated cardboard by regions as of 2012 in real terms,%
8. Structure of production of corrugated cardboard by major operators as of 2012 in real terms,%
9. Structure of consumption of corrugated cardboard by major industries as of 2012 in real terms,%