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Market research of trucking in Ukraine. 2013

Market research of trucking in Ukraine. 2013
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2013 year
Number of pages: 2, Arial, 1 interval, 10 font
Graphs and charts: 38
Tables: 11
Payment method: cash / non-cash payment, including credit card, advance payment
Production method: e-mail or by courier
6000 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Overview of road transportation in Ukraine  
1.1. Analysis of trends in road transport market in 2011-2012.  
1.2. General market indicators, the calculation of market capacity road transport in 2011-2012. in bulk and in money terms by type of truck  
1.3. Segmentation and market structuring road transportation in Ukraine  
1.4. Truck fleet vehicles in Ukraine in terms of types  
2. The main operators in the market of road transport in Ukraine  
2.1. The list of major market operators and their description  
2.2. A list of the main operators of the transport market of grocery product groups and their description  
2.3. Analysis of Traffic main market operators in various regions of Ukraine  
2.4. Structuring the road transport market operators (product and not the product groups of goods):  
- In terms of capacity and types of cars vans  
- Since division by freight forwarders and shippers  
- In terms of types of traffic: food and food groups  
2.5. Shares of major market operators  
2.6. The degree of competition and risks  
3. Price and pricing in road transportation market in Ukraine  
3.1. The average cost of transport from the West to the East, South and Central Ukraine (1 km)  
3.2. The average cost of road transportation from the Center and the South East and West Ukraine (1km)  
3.3. The average cost of road transport from the South to the East, West and Central Ukraine (1km)  
4. Conclusions and recommendations. Forward-looking indicators of road transport market in Ukraine in 2013-2014. in bulk and in money terms  
5. Investment attractiveness of the industry  
5.1. SWOT-analysis of market direction  
5.2. The risks and barriers of market entry  
Annex 1

List of Tables:

List of tables:    

1. List of main haulage market operators and their description (short description, a car park, the volume of services sold)   
2. A list of the main operators of the market of goods road transport food groups and their description     
3. Traffic flows trucking companies in various regions of Ukraine     
4. The cost of transportation including all types of vehicles (aircraft, tilt, tilt, tilt)     
5. The average cost of transport from the West to the East, South and Centre of Ukraine (UAH / km)     
6. The average cost of transport from the East to the West, South and Centre of Ukraine (UAH / km)
7. The average cost of transport from the East to the West, South and Centre of Ukraine (UAH / km)
8. The average cost of transport from the East to the West, South and Centre of Ukraine (UAH / km)
9. SWOT-analysis of overall market trucking Ukraine
10. Risks in the market of road freight Ukraine
11. Rating carriers and freight forwarding companies in 2012 (TOP 50)

List of graphs and charts:

1. Place of transportation logistics in the economy of Ukraine  
2. Ukraine's place in the Ranking of the World Bank's logistics performance  
3. The structure of transportation in the context of transport in Ukraine in 2012, in real terms,%  
4. The structure of the commercial vehicle in the context of transport in Ukraine, in real terms,% (2011 to 2012)  
5. Dynamics of freight transport by road in the Ukraine, in physical terms, one million tons (2007 - 2012 years)  
6. Dynamics of freight turnover of motor transport in Ukraine, in real terms, billion tonne-kilometers. (2007 - 2012 years)  
7. Dynamics of freight motor transport enterprises in Ukraine, in bulk and in money terms (2007 - 2012)  
8. Trends in the development of the commercial trucking in Ukraine (2010 - 2012.)  
9. Average of cargo motor transport enterprises in Ukraine (2007 - 2012 years
10. Dynamics of container haulage market by types of freight transport in 2011 - 2012 years., In real terms, tons  
11. The dynamics of the market capacity of commercial road transport by type of freight transport in 2011 - 2012 years., In physical terms, one million tons.  
12. The dynamics of the market capacity of commercial road transport by type of freight transport in 2011 - 2012 years., In real terms, mln.  
13. Structure of the market of trucking in 2012, in real terms,%  
14. Distribution of freight transport by road by regions in 2012, in real terms,%
15. Structure of freight transport by road by regions in 2011 - 2012 year, in real terms,%  
16. Distribution of cargo motor transport enterprises by regions in 2012, in real terms,%  
17. Distribution of cargo motor transport enterprises by regions in 2011 - 2012 year, in terms of money,%  
18. Distribution of cargo motor transport enterprises by regions in 2012, in terms of money,%  
19. The structure of the commercial vehicle in the context of the main groups of the nomenclature of goods in bulk,%  
20. The structure of the commercial vehicle in the context of the nomenclature of groups of goods in bulk,%  
21. A fleet of trucks in Ukraine in kind, thousand.  
22. The structure of the truck fleet by type of property in 2012,%  
23. Fleet structure by types of trucks in 2012,%  
24. The structure of vehicles depending on the time spent in service in 2012,%
25. Indicators of the use of freight rolling stock fleet for 2000 - 2012 years. (Ratio of run, the average capacity of one car running, the average distance of transportation of cargo)  
26. Distribution of the truck fleet by regions of Ukraine in 2012.,%  
27. Distribution of freight on board vehicles by regions of Ukraine in 2012,%  
28. Distribution of the park trucks in oblasts of Ukraine in 2012.,%  
29. Distribution Park tractors by regions of Ukraine on January 1, 2012,%  
30. Distribution of the park special trucks by regions of Ukraine on January 1, 2012,%  
31. Traffic flows trucking companies in various regions of Ukraine  
32. The structure of the market operators in the context of road transport duty vehicles  
33. The structure of the market operators by type of road transport vehicles  
34. The structure of the market operators in the road transport by type of activity  
35. The structure of the market operators in the road transport by type of cargo
36. Shares of major trucking companies in the freight market in Ukraine in 2012, in terms of money,%  
37. Dynamics of changes in prices for transport of goods to Ukraine, tilt 20 tons (price statistics for transportation in Ukraine of goods by road in the last year)  
38. Forward-looking indicators of road transport market in Ukraine in 2013-2014. in bulk and in money terms

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