
Market monitoring: for business without surprises

Goods and services market monitoring allows you to create an information basis for the conscious and responsible decision making at the right time....


The beer market of Ukraine may see a new player - Comment of Alexander Sokolov, head of the analytical department of the company "Pro-Consulting". The publication "Excise"

Группа предприятий «Сармат» может быть продана за $190-210 млн. Такое мнение выразил начальник аналитического отдела компании «Pro-Consulting» Александр Соколов. При этом, по словам...


Analysts at Pro-Consulting prepared a study of frozen and chilled beef Ukraine

Ukrainian market of frozen and chilled meat has great development potential. For the normal...


Analysts at Pro-Consulting prepared a market research of PET containers in Ukraine

For today Ukrainian market is saturated with offers of PET containers, by both domestic and abroad...


Top-manager of the first Ukrainian company, which received the status of "Consultant of the Year" at Gabriel Al-Salem Award will tell about success strategy

Директор департамента финансового консалтинга Pro-Consulting Наталья Альварез выступит на презентации Международной премии имени...


5 Easy Steps: How to Create your Personal Brand


Efficient Investment: Pawnshop Business Plan


Pro-Consulting analysts prepared a market research of PET preforms in Ukraine

One of the trends on the Ukrainian market of packaging is the active replacement of traditional packaging with PET packaging in the beer...


White clothes - comments by by Alexander Sokolov, head of the Analytical department of the company "Pro-Consulting". Edition of the "Contracts"

Окупить $250-300 тыс., вложенные в сетевой магазин одежды, можно за полтора-два года. Торговая наценка брендированной розницы может доходить до 300%, уровень конкуренции в...

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