
Product market analytics for Pro-Consulting customer

Please find a typical market research report structure in English here. This material is also available in Ukrainian and Russian languages....


Product market analysis by Pro-Consulting

There are more than 2500 market research cases in the Pro-Consulting Published Project Store. Any report can be updated and customized based on your...


War or No War, Ukrainians Aren’t Giving Up Their Coffee – comments on the market by Pro-Consulting. THE NEW YORK TIMES

But over the next few days after the invasion’s start, he started receiving messages from Ukrainian soldiers. One asked for bags of ground...


Ukrainian agricultural marketplace market: recommendations for new players

There are more than 2400 market research cases in the Published Project Store. Any report can be updated and customized based on your business...


Current retail challenges: how to adapt to new realities? Review by Pro-Consulting for TRADEMASTER

This material is available only in Ukrainian here. You can find a typical market research report structure in English here....


Residential and commercial real estate market in Odesa: main trends

Please find the structure of the research report on residential and commercial real estate market in Odesa here. Material is also available in Ukrainian...


Launching a new product to market: defining strategy

Pro-Consulting marketing research can have different names and forms of implementation, such as, for example, market analysis, market research, market monitoring, etc. And...


NPS survey will estimate the attitude of consumers towards your product

In case you would like to launch NPS survey please use contact details....


The Adjari brand has updated the product design. Market data by Pro-Consulting. FAKTY.UA

This material is available in Ukrainian language here. Please find the structures of the relevant market research reports below:...

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