Strategic and Tactic Marketing Planning


Any company is based on the four basic elements: planning, organization, motivation and control. Planning is the first of these managerial functions. Irrespectively of particularities of activity any company needs to know clearly its objectives, to see itself after a certain period of time. Proper planning may give response to these questions.

There are the following types of planning which depend on the scale and timeframe of implementation of the concept:

·        Strategic (10-15 years);

·        Tactic (1-3 years);

·        Operative (1 month or less).

Proper operative planning is possible only in case of proper preparation of strategic and tactic planning. More in details each planning type is examined below.


                    Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is required if the company plans to develop and implement strategic goals and objectives for many years.

This type of planning consists of the following 6 stages:

1.     Identification of main company’s mission.

2.     Statement of principal goals and objectives.

3.     Analysis of external factors.

4.     Assessment of internal environment inside the company.

5.     Preparation of alternative options of strategy deployment.

6.     Selection of the most appropriate strategy type.

Strategy Types

There are two main possible strategies of company’s development. The first is the blue ocean strategy. It provides for creation of unique share which did not exist on the market earlier. Competition is absent in the blue ocean. Nevertheless, it should be taken in consideration that if you are the pioneer in this area this may be either the sign of unique character of your project or the sign of idea failure.

The second strategy is the red ocean strategy. It provides for active, even aggressive actions. Existing share should be known well and high level of competition should be overcome.

Strategic planning is the basis of development of any company. Strategic planning itself will give no results. It should be supplemented by more practical planning of achievement of the goals. The goals selected by you at this stage determine your further actions during the tactic planning.

Tactic Planning


Tactic planning does not include any new ideas and objectives – it is the tool to implement strategic plans. Decisions taken in process of tactic planning are less subjective and more practical. Such plan should include more definite list of actions taking into account state of economic and other parameters of company’s operation.

The complete structure of tactic planning includes the following:

·        Economic parameters of efficiency;

·        Different standards;

·        Particularities of product manufacture or services;

·        Material and technical facilities;

·        Innovative methods and many other factors.


Planning is the framework of your future company. Irrespectively of quality of “construction materials” your “house” will fall if its structure is not planned well. Establish bold goals which are promising in future, divide them in practical and feasible objectives, and, what is the most important, implement everything which you have planned. 

Date of placement: 23.06.2016

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