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Market research report on global trends in the construction industry. 2021 year

Market research report on global trends in the construction industry. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2021 year
Number of pages: 91, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 27
Tables: 11
Payment method: non-cash or cash payment, prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Political factors influencing the market and the construction industry, geopolitics, trade wars, Ukraine's relations with its main trading partners, etc.
1.1. General geopolitical overview and forecast of the situation in global relations between the main market player countries
1.2. An in-depth geopolitical survey of countries - world leaders and largest trading partners
1.3. Historical background and possible risks of trade wars in industries affecting construction (oil, ores and other minerals, metals, etc.)
1.4. Factors of influence associated with the concentration of certain construction resources in individual countries
1.5. Analysis of the political situation in Ukraine and the influence of international relations on the global market
2. Global economic trends affecting the industry and the forecast of their changes in the medium term
2.1. Overview of the situation of extraction of natural resources used in the construction industry
2.2. Macroeconomic retrospective and forecasts in the world are key indicators
2.3. The development potential of individual countries (primarily geographically close to Ukraine), which will influence the global situation by 2030 from the point of view of the economy and influence on the construction industry
2.4. Overview and price forecasts for key commodities related to the construction industry
3. Environmental factors of influence and their changes, assessment of the impact on the industry, on changes in legislation, restrictive measures, and a forecast for 10 years
3.1. Overview of the current environmental situation - from the perspective of the construction industry (pollution and impact tools used)
3.2. Analysis of the environmental component of the construction industry as a whole
3.3. Changes in the environmental legislation of the world leaders in the production and consumption of construction materials
3.4. Alternative types of raw materials for construction
3.5. Innovative construction methods aimed at environmental safety
3.6. Other aspects of the construction market revealed during the research
4. Global trends in the development of the field of building materials and construction in the world
4.1. Trends in construction and production of building materials
4.2. Overview of the main events of the industry that influenced its development
4.3. Innovative cases of construction market leaders
4.4. Analysis of the dependence of construction market trends on the country's level of development
4.5. Forecast of the development of the construction industry and building materials as a whole until 2025 and 2031
4.6. Forecast trends in the development of the construction industry in the countries of the world
5. Analysis of the impact of social and demographic changes on the construction industry
5.1. Impact of the pandemic on the construction market, industry development forecast
5.2. Analysis and forecast of demographic and socio-economic development in the world
5.3. Analysis of socio-demographic development of key trading partners of Ukraine
5.4. Trends related to urbanization
5.5. Content analysis of demand for innovative solutions in construction
6. Technological trends and know-how in the production technologies of building materials and in the construction process, forecast of their changes
6.1. Analysis of technological breakthroughs in the industry over the past 10 years
6.2. List of current trends that could potentially lead to breakthroughs by 2025 and 2031
6.3. The level of automation of the construction industry
6.4. Forecast of the development of digitization of the construction industry in the medium term
6.5. Analysis and forecast of the development of legislation on data security
7. Key conclusions regarding the development of the construction market

List of Tables:

1. The main political and economic challenges and interests of the world leaders in the construction industry
2. The importance of the introduction of technologies from the point of view of the construction industry
3. The world's largest mineral producers
4. Some strategic and critical minerals, their deposits, auctioning
5. State of use of minerals in Ukraine, 2018
6. The raw material base of Ukraine in terms of construction minerals as of 01.01.2021
7. Share of construction in GDP, %
8. Forecast of the main macroeconomic indicators in the world
9. Ranking of countries by the number of green construction projects at the end of 2018
10. Distribution of the US population by annual income in 2019, dollars USA
11. Projected rate of increase in the use of digital technologies in construction until 2025

List of graphs and charts:

1. Index of the influence of the countries of the Indo-Pacific region in 2020
2. Leading countries in terms of mineral extraction
3. Ukraine's place in the ranking by the production of certain types of minerals
4. GDP of the extractive industry per year and per 1 employee, 2019, billion US dollars, thousand US dollars
5. Subsoil potential of Ukraine
6. Nominal GDP in Ukraine for 2016-2020 and forecast for 2021-2031, UAH billion. (according to the updated NBU forecast from October 2021)
7. Volume of GDP and rates of its annual growth in dynamics from 2010 to 2020, billion dollars, %
8. Volumes of import and export of some countries in the world in dynamics for 2010-2020, billion dollars
9. Indicator of business confidence in construction
10. The share of construction in the GDP of Ukraine, %
11. The main trade partners of Ukraine in 2012 and 2020 (exports and imports), million dollars. USA
12. The reaction of GDP in Ukraine to the growth of economic activity in the main economies of the world by 1% in 2020, %
13. Index of construction activity of regions of the world from 2 q. 2020 for 2 quarters. 2021, %
14. Index of construction activity of some European countries in the 1st-2nd quarters of 2021, %
15. Forecast values of the global construction market, 2020-2027
16. The influence of the construction industry on market players
17. Dynamics of world prices for exchange goods related to the construction industry from January 2018 to October 2021 inclusive.
18. Forecast of prices for exchange goods until 2035 (new forecast from October 2021)
19. Carbon dioxide emissions in 2015-2020 by region, metric tons
20. Countries with the highest construction employment in 2019, million people
21. Average annual population of the Russian Federation for 2015-2019, million people
22. The structure of the population in Germany with a special risk of poverty in 2019, %
23. The number of immigrants in Poland by country of migration in 2020, %
24. The structure of the number of requests for the period from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2021.
25. Average density of robots in the manufacturing industry, units/10 thousand workers
26. Ratio of countries by level of development of data security legislation, %
27. The ratio of countries by the level of development of legislation in the field of data protection and security by world region, %

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