Analysis of the packaging products market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Analysis of the packaging products market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 84, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 48
Tables: 35
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (an agreed list of qualitative research boundaries, product classification according to existing classifiers (production, foreign trade, public procurement), description of research methodologies for product selection)
1.2. Raw material base, production technology (analysis of raw materials used, dependence on raw material imports, raw material prices and comparison of packaging costs)
1.3. Analysis of market development trends
1.4. General indicators of the packaging market in Ukraine, calculation of market capacity in 2017-2022 by packaging types from the point of view of demand
-Domestic production
-Import, export, market capacity
1.5. Market segmentation and structuring
· By packaging types
· By origin of products by type
· By regions
· By consumption sectors
1.6. Assessment of the shadow segment in the market (through interviews with market participants or through the construction of analytical models)
1.6. Analysis of the development of consumer markets for products (domestic production of the studied goods and general indicators of consumer markets):
·Light industry (clothing and footwear)
·Cosmetics and household chemicals
·Furniture and household goods
Comparison of industries
2. Analysis of the development of foreign markets for packaging products
2.1. Main trends in market development (analysis from the point of view of "What is developing differently than in Ukraine?", "Where and due to what are the markets developing faster or slower?")
2.2. Main indicators of the benchmark countries' markets with the allocation of the share of domestic and imported products for 2017-2022
3. State regulation of the industry
3.1. Existing restrictions and prohibitions for packaging manufacturers in Ukraine, comparison with foreign markets
3.2. Industry support programs in Ukraine and comparison with other countries (state support)
3.3. Identification of the best foreign practices in the studied countries and their recommendation for the Ukrainian market
4. Analysis of the main market operators (packaging manufacturers)
4.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring
General information, types of activity and specialization
4.2. Market shares of the main manufacturers
4.3. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors
5. Foreign trade and foreign economic activity
5.1. Export of packaging from Ukraine in 2017-2022 (volumes, structure by type, geography, largest exporters)
5.2. Import of packaging to Ukraine in 2017-2022 (volumes, structure by type, geography, largest importers)
6. Price and pricing on the market
6.1. Price index for packaging products by type
6.2. Analysis of factors influencing price formation
·Product cost structure
·Logistics cost analysis
·Personnel costs
·Pricing features for SMEs
6.3. Analysis of profitability of major product manufacturers on the market
7. Industry employment analysis
7.1. Assessment of total employment in the industry with assessment of structure by type of positions
7.2. Analysis of available vacancies in the industry (number, salary)
7.3. Available higher and secondary specialized education programs in the industry (faculties, universities)
7.4. Additional training programs by region
8. Analysis of end consumers of products
8.1. Attitude to different types of packaging
8.2. Priority in packaging types by product
8.3. The impact of packaging on product choice
8.4. Willingness to pay extra for special packaging features (material, size, shape, design) by product type
9. Conclusions and market forecasts
9.1. Prerequisites for the development of the packaging market
·Local market factors
·Global market factors and export demand
·Technologies that will contribute to market development
·Efficiency in resource use
·Efficiency in waste management
·Principles of sustainable development
·Other factors that will contribute to the development of the industry in Ukraine
9.2. Forecast of the development of the main aspects of the market
·Sales forecast in the packaging market and its contribution to GDP
9.3. The potential of the packaging industry to contribute to the country’s recovery
10. Recommendations for the participation of the CEE in market development (Recommendations on possible actions of the CEE (both through support to the private sector and through technical assistance to state stakeholders, if any) to promote the development of the sector and meet the needs of Ukrainian SMEs - consumers of packaging products.)
10.1. SWOT-matrix of packaging markets
10.2. Conducting a comparative analysis of strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats
10.3. Actions that can improve the efficiency of the industry

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of the packaging market capacity by segments in monetary terms, million dollars
2. Dynamics of changes in the packaging market capacity by segments in monetary terms, billion UAH
3. Types of the most common packaging in light industry
4. Types of the most common packaging in the food industry
5. Types of the most common containers and lids for household chemicals
6. Types of the most common toy packaging
7. Types of the most common furniture and household goods packaging
8. Definition of SMEs in Ukraine and Europe
9. Volumes of Poland's foreign trade in packaging products in 2020-2022 in monetary terms (million dollars)
10. TOP-7 companies producing plastic and polymer packaging in Poland by net income from product sales in 2021, thousand dollars
11. Volumes of Romania's foreign trade in packaging products in 2020-2022 in monetary terms, million dollars
12. Major packaging manufacturers
13. Detailed information on major packaging manufacturers (specialized companies
14. Key parameters for assessing the competitive environment in the market using M. Porter's methodology
15. Assessment of the competitive environment of cardboard and paper packaging in the Ukrainian market in 2022
16. Factor analysis of the dynamics of the market share of cardboard and paper packaging manufacturers in 2021-2022
17. Assessment of the competitive environment in the plastic packaging market (excluding food bottles) of Ukraine in 2022
18. Factor analysis of the dynamics of the market share of cardboard and paper packaging manufacturers in 2021-2022
19. Dynamics of changes in the volume of exports of packaging products to Ukraine in 2017-2022 by segments in monetary terms, million dollars
20. Geography of cardboard and paper exports packaging products, 2021-9 months 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
21. Geography of plastic packaging exports, 2021-9 months 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
22. Geography of glass packaging exports, 2021-9 months 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
23. Geography of glass packaging exports, 2021-9 months 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
24. Geography of polymer packaging exports, 2021-9 months 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
25. Dynamics of changes in the volume of imports of packaging products to Ukraine in 2017-2022 by segments in monetary terms, million dollars
26. Geography of imports of cardboard and paper packaging products, 2021-9 months. 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
27. Geography of imports of plastic packaging, 2021-9 months. 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
28. Geography of imports of glass packaging, 2021-9 months. 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
29. Geography of imports of metal packaging, 2021-9 months. 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars
30. Geography of imports of polymer packaging, 2021-9 months. 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars dollars
31. Export price indices
32. SWOT analysis of the cardboard and paper packaging industry
33. SWOT analysis of the plastic packaging industry
34. Comparative analysis of the cardboard and paper packaging industry
35. Comparative analysis of the plastic packaging industry

List of graphs and charts:

1. The volume of production of packaging products in Ukraine in kind (the units of measurement are indicated separately for each type of product).
2. Shares of domestic production of packaging products in kind expressed by origin by type
3. Shares of regions of Ukraine in the production of packaging products in kind expressed (in % of all-Ukrainian production) as of 2021
4. Dynamics of the clothing market in monetary terms in 2018-2022, billion UAH.
5. Dynamics of the domestic food market in Ukraine in monetary terms in 2017-2022, billion UAH
6. Dynamics of the sales of household chemicals and cosmetics, in monetary terms in Ukraine in monetary terms in 2017-2022, billion UAH
7. Dynamics of the volume of the toy market in Ukraine in monetary terms in 2017-2022, billion UAH
8. Dynamics of the volume of sales of domestically produced furniture in Ukraine in monetary terms in 2017-2022, billion UAH
9. Comparison of the market volumes of the considered industries as of 2022, in billion UAH
10. Estimation of the average contribution of packaging costs to the cost of production by industry
11. Number of enterprises by size in industries with a breakdown into small, medium and large as of 2022
12. Comparison of the packaging markets in Poland, Romania and Ukraine as of 2022
13. Dynamics of cardboard and corrugated cardboard packaging production in Poland in 2017-2022 in natural terms (in thousand tons and million m2, respectively)
14. Dynamics of cardboard and corrugated cardboard packaging production in Romania in 2017-2022 in natural terms (in thousand tons and million m2, respectively)
15. Share of packaging materials recycling in the EU and the UK as of 2020
16. Market shares of the main manufacturers of cardboard and paper packaging in 2022 (in % in natural terms)
17. Market shares of the main manufacturers of corrugated cardboard packaging for 9 months 2023 (in % in terms of volume)
18. Market shares of the main manufacturers of plastic packaging in 2022 (in % in terms of volume)
19. Market shares of the main manufacturers of glass packaging in 2022 (in % in terms of volume)
20. Market shares of the main manufacturers of metal packaging in 2022 (in % in terms of volume)
21. Market shares of the main manufacturers of polymer packaging materials in 2022 (in % in terms of volume)
22. Main exporters of cardboard and paper packaging products, in 2023 in monetary terms
23. Main exporters of plastic packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars, %
24. Main exporters of glass packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms
25. Main exporters of metal packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars, %
26. Main exporters of polymer packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars, %
27. Main importers of cardboard and paper packaging products, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars, %
28. Main importers of plastic packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars, %
29. Main importers of glass packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars, %
30. Main importers of metal packaging, in 2023 in monetary terms, million dollars dollars, %
31. Structure of the cost of packaging production,%
32. Structure of the cost of packaging production,%
33. Average salary in Ukraine in January 2022 by region (in thousand UAH)
34. Profitability of sales of products of individual packaging manufacturers,% (estimate)
35. Number of employees employed in the packaging production industry in 2021 and 2022, people
36. Number of vacancies in the packaging production industry as of September 2023
37. Median salary in the packaging production industry as of the 3rd quarter of 2023 on the portal, in UAH
38. Map of the location of vocational education centers of the State Employment Center.
39. Respondents' preferences for packaging material
40. Respondents' preferences for packaging characteristics
41. Share of respondents who have no preferences for packaging when choosing products in the specified segment
42. Priority in packaging types by product
43. Influence of packaging on product choice
44. Place of packaging in the list of priorities when choosing a product
45. Distribution of responses regarding willingness to pay extra for packaging by product type
46. Distribution of responses regarding willingness to pay extra for packaging by income level (according to respondents)
47. Forecast of packaging market capacity in 2023-2027
48. Share of imports in market capacity by segments in the packaging market in 2022

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