Analysis of the railway equipment market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Analysis of the railway equipment market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2023 year
Number of pages: 53 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 45
Tables: 32
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Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the market (introductory part, methodologies, classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of trends that influenced the market, how they manifested themselves and which segments they affected; preconditions and problems of development: before 2021 and after the start of a full-scale war
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in physical and monetary terms
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring
2. Analysis of market indicators for the sale of railway engineering
2.1. Analysis of transportation practices in other countries
2.2. Share of imported cars and locomotives
2.3. Determining the markets most suitable for Ukrainian producers
3. Main market operators
3.1. List of main market operators and their structuring
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators by main segments
3.3. Degree of competition and danger. Factor analysis of competitors' market shares
4. Production of railway equipment in 2017-2022.
4.1. Production dynamics in quantitative terms
4.2. Production dynamics in value terms
4.3. Shares of domestic producers
5. Foreign trade and foreign economic activity
5.1. Export of railway equipment from Ukraine in 2017-2022.
5.2. Import to Ukraine in 2017-2022.
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Price index for the studied products
6.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
7. Branding and advertising content analysis using the results of expert surveys in Ukraine and target countries
8. Analysis of the rail transportation segment
8.1. Comparison of the dynamics of domestic and international transport volumes by different modes of transport
8.2. Structure of transportation by industry - typical clients of the railway car market
9. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
9.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development by segments and markets of countries identified in section 
9.2. Constructing market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023-2027. by segment in two scenarios: intensification of hostilities and reduction in intensity
10. Recommendations for Ukrainian exporters
10.1. Recommendations for increasing export potential
10.2. Determination of countries for export by product segments
10.3. Recommendations for promoting products on the market
10.4. Recommendations for the Business and Export Development Office on conducting trade events
10.5. Expert recommendations
10.6. Recommendations for government and international partners

List of Tables:

1. List of product group codes that were accepted for analysis
2. The structure of the wagon fleet as of January 21, 2022 (UZ) and the end of 2020 (other owners), unit techniques
3. Market capacity in natural terms, 2017-2022, units. techniques
4. SWOT analysis of the sector
5. Volumes of railway transportation in certain countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, million tons
6. The number of vehicles in the rolling stock as of 2021 compared to imports in 2021, units techniques
7. TOP-10 manufacturers of railway equipment in Ukraine as of 2021, in monetary terms, million UAH.
8. Manufacturers of locomotives in Ukraine in 2019-2022, in natural terms, units of equipment
9. Manufacturers of passenger cars, specialized cars and means of transport for track repair in Ukraine in 2017-2021 in natural terms, units of equipment
10. The main manufacturers of freight cars in Ukraine as of 2021
11. Manufacturers of spare parts in Ukraine in 2017-2022, sales volume, UAH million
12. Manufacturers of containers in Ukraine in 2017-2022, sales volume, million UAH.
13. TOP-10 companies importing self-propelled cars for the period 2017-2022.
14. TOP-10 companies importing non-self-propelled freight wagons (code 8606) for the period 2017-2022, the volume of imports in monetary terms, million dollars
15. TOP-10 companies importing containers (code 8609) intended for transportation by rail for the period 2017-2022, import volume in monetary terms, thousands of dollars
16. List of companies - operators of the locomotive market
17. Shares of the main market operators (manufacturers and importers) as of 2021, units of equipment, %
18. The main parameters of evaluating the competitive environment in the market according to M. Porter's method
19. Evaluation of the competitive environment in the market of freight cars in Ukraine
20. Factor analysis of the dynamics of the market share of manufacturers of freight cars for 2021-2022.
21. Evaluation of the competitive environment in the spare parts market of Ukraine
22. Factor analysis of the dynamics of the market share of spare parts manufacturers for 2021-2022
23. Production by commodity groups in natural terms (all goods, except spare parts in pieces, spare parts in thousands of tons, which are additionally indicated)
24. Production volumes of freight cars in 2017-2022, TOP-10 manufacturers as of 2021, units of equipment
25. Sales volume of spare parts in 2017-2022, TOP-10 manufacturers as of 2022, UAH million.
26. Geography of export of railway equipment for the period 2017-2021, segmented by product groups
27. The share of Ukrainian exports in the import of products of foreign countries, %
28. TOP-5 importing countries by the volume of imports of Ukrainian railway equipment, in monetary terms as of 2022
29. Export of spare parts by types (segmentation by codes) for the period 2017-2022 in monetary terms, million dollars
30. Volumes of import of railway equipment to Ukraine by category in 2017-2022, thousands of dollars
31. Dynamics of prices for the studied products
32. Volumes of cargo transportation by rail transport by types of cargo in 2021-2022, million tons

List of graphs and charts:

1. Number of cars (units) produced by Ukrainian enterprises in 2021.
2. Share of manufacturers from the region in the total volume of sales of railway spare parts as of 2022.
3. Railway equipment exporting countries in 2022
4. Distribution of companies according to KVED 30.2 as of 2021, %
5. Structure of goods by origin by segments (as of 2021 and 2022), in physical terms (all goods in units, spare parts in tons), %
6. Global volume of rail freight traffic 2011-2022, in trillion. tons per km
7. Segmentation of freight transport by mode of transport in EU countries (27 countries), 2016-2021, % of total volume
8. Share of railway transport in the field of freight transportation, by EU countries, 2021, %
9. Trend in changes in the volume of cargo transportation by rail in selected countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia 2011-2021, change in%
10. Share of railway transport in the field of freight transportation in the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, %
11. Main manufacturers of railcars in 2021, in physical terms, units of equipment
12. Structure of locomotive imports by type in the period 2017-2022, %
13. Structure of imports of self-propelled cars from importers in monetary terms for the period 2017-2022, %
14. Structure of imports of railway transport for track maintenance by importers in monetary terms for the period 2017-2022, %
15. Structure of imports of freight cars by type, in physical terms, units of equipment
16. Structure of imports of spare parts for railway transport by importers in monetary terms for the period 2017-2022, thousand dollars, %
17. Shares of the rolling stock of the main private rolling stock operators as of November 2020, %
18. Structure of the private railcar fleet by type of railcar, %
19. Shares of manufacturers of self-propelled cars for the period 2017-2021. in kind, %
20. Shares of manufacturers of passenger and specialized cars for the period 2017-2021. in kind, %
21. The ratio of production and import of railcars in 2018-2022 (production 2022 is estimated), in physical terms, units of equipment
22. Main manufacturers of spare parts in 2022, in monetary terms, %
23. Shares of importers of spare parts for railway equipment in 2021 in monetary terms, %
24. Shares of container manufacturers for the period 2017-2021. in monetary terms, %
25. Shares of container market operators (traders) for the period 2017-2021 in monetary terms (estimate), %
26. Dynamics of the production of freight cars in natural terms, units of equipment
27. Dynamics of sales of railway equipment (wagons and locomotives) in monetary terms, comparison in hryvnias (billion UAH) and dollars (million dollars)
28. Shares of wagon manufacturers in 2021 in physical terms compared to import volumes
29. Shares of wagon manufacturers in 2022 in physical terms, %
30. Shares of manufacturers of spare parts in 2022 in monetary terms, %
31. Dynamics of export of railway equipment (total for all product groups) for 2017-2021 in monetary terms, million dollars
32. Geography of export of railway equipment, summarized by types, in total for the period 2017-2021, in value indicators, million dollars,%
33. Geography of the railway equipment market, without the selection of product groups. Import volumes in monetary terms in 2022, million dollars
34. Geography of export deliveries of railway equipment from Ukraine in 2022, in monetary terms, million dollars, %
35. Comparison of the geography of railway equipment supplies to Ukraine in the period 2017-2021 and 2022, in monetary terms, million dollars, %
36. Cost structure of railway equipment production, %
37. The trend of changes in electricity prices for enterprises in 2021-2023 in Ukraine, thousand UAH. for 1 MWh
38. Dynamics of production of metal products 2019-2022, million tons
39. The structure of freight transportation by volume in 2021, expressed in thousands of tons, %
40. Dynamics of the volume of freight transportation by rail transport in Ukraine 2017-2022 in natural terms, million tons
41. Comparison of the volumes of freight transportation by rail and road transport in Ukraine 2017-2022 in natural terms, million tons
42. Freight transportation by rail by type of connection in 2021 and 2022, million tons
43. Comparison of the structure of freight transportation by railway by product types expressed in physical terms as of 2021 and 2022, million tons, %
44. Forecast of the volume of the railway transportation market in EU countries, 2017-2027 in monetary terms, billion dollars per year
45. Forecast of the production of freight cars until 2027, thousands of units

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