Market research report on sports complexes in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on sports complexes in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2021 year
Number of pages: 42, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 35
Tables: 16
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the amateur sports market in large cities of Ukraine, development factors and problems
1.2. Involvement of the population in the most popular sports
2. State restrictions during the Covid-19 epidemic and their impact on the activity of sports complexes with a focus on professional club training.
3. The main competitors of sports complexes:
• Direct competitors (sports complexes, halls of higher education institutions, outdoor outdoor playgrounds, school halls)
• Sports clubs (basketball, volleyball, handball and football)
• Indirect competitors (departmental halls, individual sites without developed infrastructure)
4. Price and pricing factors in the market
5. Consumers and their preferences:
5.1. Consumer preferences for sports. Analysis of the demand for sports complex services. Portrait of the consumer and its description.
5.2. The list of training bases of teams of the studied sports based in Kyiv and the Kyiv region.
5.3. Analysis of the involvement of children (age 5-18) in sports
5.4. The number of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums in the city of Kyiv (by district) and the studied cities
5.5. Analysis of the corporate sector in the city of Kyiv and the studied cities
6. Analysis of the development of sports in other countries of the world
6.1 Brief description and main trends
6.2. Analysis of innovative approaches in EU and US countries in various sports (digital, virtual reality, other)
7. Conclusions. Predictive indicators
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the development of the sports complex market
7.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development until 2027
7.3. Recommendations for market development
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT analysis of the Customer's concept on the market
8.2. PEST analysis of factors affecting the market
8.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Gender distribution of athletes among the most popular sports in Ukraine, people, %, 2021
2. Prices for renting halls in Kyiv as of January 1, 2021
3. The number of athletes by level of professionalism in Ukraine as of January 1, 2021, people
4. Main searches based on the keywords "rent", "hall" on 12/20/2021, Kyiv
5. Statistics of children's participation in sports as of July 1, 2021
6. Number of educational institutions in Kyiv and the region, 2021, pcs.
7. The number of athletes among the main sports disciplines in Germany as of January 1, 2021, people
8. Number of athletes (professionals and amateurs) among the main sports disciplines in Denmark for 2019-2020, people
9. Number of athletes among the main sports disciplines in Poland in 2020, people
10. Sports complexes of Europe
11. The number of sports locations for various sports disciplines in Los Angeles as of January 1, 2021, pcs.
12. Innovations in the sports field, EU and USA
13. Factors influencing the market of sports complexes of Ukraine
14. Factors influencing the market of sports complexes of Ukraine
15. Segmentation of market risks
16. Map of market risks

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the number of game gyms in Ukraine in 2017-2020. (as of January 1, 2021)
2. The total number of sports facilities (fields) in the city of Kyiv in 2018-2021, pcs.
3. The number of professional and semi-professional athletes in Ukraine from the main sports disciplines as of January 1, 2021, thousands of people.
4. Share of sports-active population among residents of Kyiv and Kyiv region as of January 1, 2021, %
5. The number of sports-active population in the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region as of January 1, 2021, people
6. The number of sports facilities of various types of sports in the city of Kyiv as of January 1, 2021, pcs.
7. Reviews about the "5 element" sports complex from the resource
8. Number of new and renovated sports grounds in Kyiv as of January 1, 2021, pcs.
9. Number of sports clubs by specialization in the city of Kyiv as of January 1, 2021, pcs.
10. Specialization of departmental halls in Kyiv and the Kyiv region as of January 1, 2021, pcs.
11. Gender structure of the sports-active population of Ukraine as of January 1, 2021, %
12. Monthly dynamics of demand for renting sports grounds in Kyiv according to the request of "Sports Club Kyiv", 2021
13. Dynamics of queries among Google users, Kyiv, person.
14. The number of children in the city of Kyiv, as of July 1, 2021, people
15. Popularity of various types of training courses in Kyiv as of January 1, 2021., %
16. The number of children involved in various educational courses in Kyiv, as of January 1, 2021, persons
17. The number of children in Kyiv who are involved in sports as of July 1, 2021
18. Number of secondary schools by districts in the city of Kyiv, 2021, pcs
19. The share of companies registered in the city of Kyiv, by direction, 2021, %
20. Frequency of sports participation by the population of Germany as of January 1, 2021, %
21. Places for sports in Germany as of 01.01.2021, %
22. Frequency of sports participation by the population of France as of January 1, 2021, %
23. Popular places for sports in France as of 01.01.2021, %
24. The number of sports-active population among the main sports disciplines in France as of 01.01.2021, thousands of people.
25. Number of locations for practicing amateur sports in Denmark in 2019-2021, pcs.
26. Popular places for sports in Denmark as of 01.01.2021, %
27. Popular places for sports in Poland as of 01.01.2021, %
28. Frequency of sports activities by the population of Lithuania as of 01.01.2021, %
29. Number of locations for amateur sports in Lithuania in 2019-2021, pcs.
30. The number of sports-active population among the main sports disciplines in Lithuania as of 01.01.2021, people
31. Number of basketball courts in New York as of January 1, 2021.
32. The number of handball courts in New York as of January 1, 2021.
33. Number of volleyball courts in New York as of January 1, 2021.
34. Number of volleyball courts in Chicago as of January 1, 2021.
35. Forecast of the development of the market of sports facilities in the city of Kyiv until 2027, pcs.

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