Market research report on nonwovens in Ukraine. 2025 year

Market research report on nonwovens in Ukraine. 2025 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2025 year
Number of pages: 76, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 46
Tables: 50
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
48700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1 Market description (introductory paragraph with a description of the product, its application and codes)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (factors influencing the market and their manifestation during the studied period; problems and prerequisites for development)
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2021 - 2024 (production + import - export). Assessment
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring
2. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
2.1. List of main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activity and specialization; product groups, brands and assortment)
2.2. Market shares of main market operators
2.3. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors
3. Assessment of production in 2021 - 2024
3.1. Production dynamics in quantitative indicators
3.2. Production dynamics in value indicators
4. Foreign trade and foreign economic activity
4.1. Export of nonwovens from Ukraine in 2021 - 11 months of 2024 (volumes, structure, geography)
4.2. Import of nonwovens to Ukraine in 2021 -2024 (volumes, geography, shares of importers)
5. Product range presented on the market
6. Analysis of substitute products
7. Price and pricing on the nonwovens market
7.1. Dynamics of export / import prices for products
7.2. Average current prices for products
7.3. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
8. Branding and advertising (analysis of competitors' positioning in the market, presence in promotion channels)
9. Analysis of consumption on the market
9.1. Industries, the largest consumers of nonwovens in Ukraine
9.2. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of state tender procurement (volumes, structure by regions, organizers and participants) for 2020-2024.
9.3. Degree of consumer satisfaction (review analysis)
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for further construction of SWOT analysis
10.2. PEST LE - analysis of factors influencing the market and assessment of the probability and degree of their influence
10.3. Construction of a risk map in the market
10.4. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market
11. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
11.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
11.2. Construction of hypotheses for market development. Forecast market development indicators in 2025 - 2027
11.3. Recommendations for market development

List of Tables:

1. HS and NPP codes of the studied goods
2. Volumes of products sold by main industries and consumers and construction works performed in 2021-2024*, in dollar terms, million dollars
3. Customs tariffs (import duty rate) for the studied types of products
as of January 2025
4. Capacity of the Ukrainian market of nonwoven materials in 2021-2024, in monetary terms, million UAH
5. Revenues of the studied companies in 2021-2023, thousand UAH
6. Distribution of the main market operators by type of activity
7. Main parameters of assessing the competitive environment in the market according to the M. Porter method
8. Assessment of the competitive environment in the market of nonwoven materials
9. Volume of exports of geosynthetic materials from Ukraine in 2021-11 months 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
10. The volume of exports of filter cloths from Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
11. The volume of exports of technical cloths from Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
12. The volume of exports of agrotextile cloths from Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
13. The volume of exports of furniture cloths from Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
14. The volume of imports of geosynthetic materials into Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
15. The volume of imports of shoe fabrics into Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
16. The main importers of shoe fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
17. The volume of imports of filter fabrics into Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, tons, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
18. Volume of imports of filter cloths into Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, t, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
19. Volume of imports of agrotextile cloths into Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, t, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
20. Volume of imports of agrotextile cloths into Ukraine in 2021-11 months. 2024, in kind and monetary terms, t, thousand dollars and thousand UAH
21. Product range of the main market operators
22. Volume of imports of Maccaferri products into Ukraine in 2019-2021, in kind and monetary terms, kg, m2, dollars and thousand UAH
23. Volumes of imports of HATELIT products into Ukraine in 2019-2021, in natural and monetary terms, kg, m2, dollars and thousand UAH
24. Volumes of imports of HATELIT products into Ukraine in 2021, in natural and monetary terms, kg, m2, dollars and thousand UAH
25. Volumes of imports of geogrids into Ukraine in 2021-2024, in physical and monetary terms, kg, m2, dollars and UAH
26. Volumes of imports of geogrids into Ukraine in 2021-2024, in physical and monetary terms, kg, m2, dollars and UAH
27. Volumes of imports of glass meshes into Ukraine in 2021-2024, in physical and monetary terms, kg, m2, dollars and UAH
28. Volumes of state purchases of glass meshes in 2020-2024, in monetary terms, thousand UAH
29. Prices for various types of nonwoven materials in Ukraine as of the beginning of January 2025, UAH/m2 (excluding VAT)
30. Analysis of the presence of companies in online communication channels (promotion)
31. Analysis of the activity of companies in online communication channels
32. Positioning of companies in the nonwoven materials market
33. Crop areas by type of farms in Ukraine in 2020-2023, thousand hectares
34. Structure of the sown areas of fruit and berry crops in Ukraine in 2023, hectares, %
35. Structure of the sown areas of vegetable crops in Ukraine in 2023, thousand ha, %
36. Structure of sown areas of vegetable, fruit and berry crops in Ukraine in 2023, ha, %
37. The largest companies engaged in growing vegetable crops in Ukraine
38. The largest companies engaged in growing fruit and berry crops in Ukraine
39. The main shoe manufacturers in Ukraine
40. The largest state orders for construction work in 2023-2024
41. The main operators in the segment of construction of engineering structures (roads, bridges, railways, etc.)
42. Structure of state procurement by regions by location of organizers in 2020-2024, in hryvnia terms, %
43. State procurement of nonwoven materials by the largest organizers in 2020-2024, in hryvnia terms, UAH million (excluding VAT)
44. State procurement of nonwoven materials by the largest suppliers (participants) in 2020-2024, in hryvnia terms, UAH million (excluding VAT)
45. Geography of consumption of the studied types of nonwoven materials in 2024, in natural terms, %
46. Pricing strategy and sales channels of nonwoven materials in Ukraine
47. Demand for products by consumer industries
48. Opportunities and threats to the market
49. PEST LE - analysis of the nonwoven materials market
50. Risk map on the market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Nominal GDP of Ukraine in 2019-2024 (forecast), in dollar terms, billion dollars
2. Average annual exchange rate of hryvnia against dollar and euro in 2019-2024, UAH/dollar, UAH/euro
3. GDP deflator in 2019-2024*, annual %
4. Structure of the Ukrainian nonwovens market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
5. Structure of the Ukrainian nonwovens market by product origin, in monetary terms, %
6. Share of major operators in the geosynthetic materials market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
7. Share of major operators in the geosynthetic materials market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
8. Share of major operators in the shoe canvas market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
9. Share of major operators in the market sewing fabric in 2024, in monetary terms, %
10. Share of the main operators in the filter fabric market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
11. Share of the main operators in the technical fabric market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
12. Share of the main operators in the agrotextile fabric market with a density of over 100 g/m2 in 2024, in monetary terms, %
13. Share of the main operators in the furniture fabric market in 2024, in monetary terms, %
14. Production volume of the studied nonwoven materials in Ukraine in 2021-2024, in kind, thousand tons
15. Production volume of the studied nonwoven materials in Ukraine in 2021-2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
16. Total export volume of the studied nonwoven materials from Ukraine in 2021-2024*, in monetary terms, thousand USD
17. Share of the main exporters of the studied nonwoven materials from Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, thousand USD
18. Geography of exports of geosynthetic materials from Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
19. Share of exporters of geosynthetic materials from Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
20. Share of exporters of geosynthetic materials from Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
21. Total volume of imports of the studied nonwoven materials to Ukraine in 2021-2024*, in monetary terms, thousand USD
22. Geography of imports of geosynthetic materials into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
23. Main importers of geosynthetic materials into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
24. Geography of imports of shoe fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
25. Geography of imports of filter fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
26. Main importers of filter fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
27. Geography of imports of technical fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
28. Geography of imports of agrotextile fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
29. Main importers of agrotextile fabrics into Ukraine in 2024, in in monetary terms, %
30. Main importers of furniture fabrics to Ukraine in 2024, in monetary terms, %
31. Dynamics of average export prices in 2021-2024 in dollar terms, dollars/kg
32. Dynamics of average export prices in 2021-2024 in hryvnia terms, UAH/kg
33. Dynamics of average import prices in 2021-2024 in dollar terms, dollars/kg
34. Dynamics of average import prices in 2021-2024 in hryvnia terms, UAH/kg
35. Price index for PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) in the markets of Europe and the Middle East in 2020-2025* in dollar terms, December to December of the previous year, %
36. Dynamics of sown areas for vegetables, fruits and berry crops in Ukraine in 2020-2023, thousand ha
37. Volumes and dynamics of footwear production in Ukraine in 2021-2024*,
in monetary terms, million dollars
38. Volumes of footwear imports and exports in Ukraine in 2020-2023, in monetary terms, million dollars
39. Volume of construction works in Ukraine in 2020-2024*, in monetary terms, billion dollars
40. Volumes of road infrastructure construction in Ukraine in 2021-2024*, in monetary terms, million dollars
41. Number of state tenders in the direction of construction of buildings and structures for military purposes in 2022-2024, units
42. Volumes of state procurement of nonwovens and products from nonwovens in 2020-2024, million UAH (excluding VAT)
43. Number of tender purchases of nonwovens by military units in 2020-2024, number of tenders
44. Geography of shading of national producers in Ukraine
45. Geography of production of nonwoven materials by type in Ukraine
46. Capacity of the Ukrainian market of nonwoven materials in 2023-2027*, in monetary terms, million dollars

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