Market research report on air conditioning equipment in Ukraine. 2017 year

Market research report on  air conditioning equipment in Ukraine. 2017 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2017 year
Number of pages: 25, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 21
Tables: 6
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
6700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General indicators of the market, calculation of market capacity in units. and money in 2014-2016, market structure
2. Market shares of the main competitors in 2014-2016 (based on import performance)
3. Foreign trade in the market
3.1. Export of products in 2014-2016 (volumes, main exporting companies)
3.2. Import of products in 2014-2016 (volumes, main importing companies)
4. Price and pricing in the climate technology market (information is fully provided by the customer)
5. Consumer preferences regarding products, a portrait of a consumer, recommendations for building a communication strategy with consumers, taking into account the experience of competitors
6. The range of products on the market, structuring by key criteria
7. Conclusions and recommendations for promoting the product on the Ukrainian market, taking into account the experience of competitors;
- Forecast indicators of market development in 2017-2019;
- Plan to expand sales channels in the market.
8. SWOT - market direction analysis

List of Tables:

1. Calculation of the market capacity of air conditioners (made in China) in Ukraine, mln. UAH
2. Calculation of the market capacity of air conditioners (made in China) in Ukraine, thousand units.
3. Product range on the market of Chinese-made air conditioners in Ukraine
4. Possible ways to promote the product on the market
5. SWOT analysis of the HVAC market in Ukraine
6. SWOT-analysis of Midea's position in the market of climatic equipment in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market capacity of air conditioners (made in China) in Ukraine in 2014-2016, UAH mln.
2. Market capacity of air conditioners (made in China) in Ukraine in 2014-2016, thousand units
3. Market shares of the main competitors (based on import performance)
4. Export volumes of air conditioners (made in China) from Ukraine in 2014-2016, million UAH
5. Structure of export of air conditioners from Ukraine by countries, %
6. Structure of exports of air conditioners from Ukraine by exporters, %
7. Seasonality of exports of air conditioners from Ukraine, thousand UAH
8. The volume of imports of air conditioners (made in China) to Ukraine in 2014-2016, million UAH
9. Structure of imports of air conditioners to Ukraine by importers, %
10. Seasonality of imports of air conditioners from Ukraine, thousand UAH
11. Market shares of the main manufacturers of Chinese air conditioners in 2014-2016, %
12. Current prices for “Standard” air conditioners (made in China) in the Ukrainian market (Q1 2017), USD
13. Current prices for Exclusive air conditioners (made in China) on the Ukrainian market (Q1 2017), USD
14. Current prices for Invertor air conditioners (made in China) on the Ukrainian market (Q1 2017), USD
15. Map of strategic groups by price criterion
16. Forecast indicators for the sale of air conditioners in 2017-2019, thousand units
17. Commissioning of apartments in Ukraine in 2014-2016, thousand apartments
18. The existing system of distribution channels for Chinese air conditioners in the Ukrainian market
19. The previous system of sales channels for Chinese air conditioners in the Ukrainian market
20. Recommended system of sales channels for Chinese air conditioners in the Ukrainian market
21. Promotion map for Midea air conditioners on the Ukrainian market

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