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Market research report on cinema market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on cinema market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2023 year
Number of pages: 54, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 4
Tables: 16
Payment method: non-cash or cash payment, prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
45200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of the global market.
1.1. Global market volumes, by country, forecasts for 2024-2026, growth rate, CAGR %, main trends.
1.2. Dynamics of attendance, revenue from film distribution, number of cinemas and screens, number of screens per 1 million people, ticket price in euros by European countries:
1.3. Trends in technology and innovation
1.4. Determination of the TOP-5 promising countries for entering the Ukrainian market
1.5. Segmentation by formats in Europe. Trends.
1.6. TOP-5 films by country for the last 5 years. Determination of the best repertoire (genres, studios) for Ukraine, England and selected TOP-5 promising countries for entering the Ukrainian market
2. Analysis of the Ukrainian market
2.1. Identification of market players and their description: list of cinema chains, number of halls, number of screens, number of seats in each hall, cinema formats, technologies
2.2. Dynamics of indicators: revenue, attendance, number of cinemas and screens, market share, growth rates for all indicators by players and the market as a whole.
2.3. Market demand and market size 2019-2026.
2.4. General trends
2.5. Research of government programs, grants, funding programs in this area
3. Regional segmentation of the market
3.1. Geographical distribution: number of cinemas by region and players. Which markets are the most attractive? Should we enter the market?

3.2. List of existing shopping malls by region with notes "with a cinema and what kind" and "without a cinema", taking into account the plan to open or build a new shopping mall within the next 5 years
3.3 Identification of promising cities and shopping malls for opening a cinema
3.4 Identification of promising districts of Kyiv
4. Analysis of the location for the cinema in the mall
5. Investment attractiveness of the industry
5.1. Analysis of the impact of the main factors of the external macro environment: PESTLE-analysis
5.2. The main trends of the next 5 years
6. Competitive benchmarking. Comparison between competitors: Market indicators, Strategies, Business processes, Services, Revenue structure, Location, Cost, Economic indicators, Marketing, Loyalty programs, Pricing and pricing policies (Price Waterfall Analysis), Key indicators of profitability, efficiency and liquidity
7. Consumer analysis. Customer journey map
8. Analysis of cinema formats
9. SWOT analysis
10. Strategic recommendations

List of Tables:

1. The largest world markets for cash taxes per 1 million population
2. TOP 30 films of 2023 in worldwide distribution, %
3. Dynamics of sales, film distribution revenue, number of cinemas and screens, number of screens per 1 million people, ticket sales in euros by European countries
4. The greatest evidence of technology and innovation in cinemas
5. Assigning a rank to European countries to assess their output potential
6. Average monthly consumption of movie theater technology across Europe
7. Income (gross) from cash collections for 2006-2023 rubles.
8. Population within walking distance to the shopping center
9. Throughput and traffic in the shopping center
10. Rating of shopping centers in the rankings of the best great shopping centers in million-dollar cities for 2021
11. Overflow of anchor deposits within a radius of 5 km to the shopping center
12. PESTLE matrix - analysis of factors entering the cinema market in Ukraine
13. Competitive benchmarking of competitors
14. Estimation of SAL size
15. Film screening strategy, adapted to the needs of the cinema
16. Average monthly number of drinks for basic cinema technologies in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Concentration and distribution of border cinemas in Ukraine by territorial units
2. Division of competitors in the city of Kiev for competitors and districts
3. Division of competitors in the city of Lviv for competitors and districts
4. Redevelopment of shopping centers near the Zamovnik location

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